Peter200lx / ToolBelt

Play Minecraft with a wide assortment of tools at your side.
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Extensible permissions for paint #8

Closed Ephemeris closed 11 years ago

Ephemeris commented 12 years ago

Add new permission sub-groups to the paintbrush tool, to allow finer-tuning of who is allowed to do what.

Partially to prevent low-ranked users from using the paintbrush as an instapick (eg. painting grass with torch (2->50).

Example: ..paint: ....rangeDefault: 0 ....rangeCrouch: 25 ....onlyAllow: [] ....stopCopy: [7, 46, 52, 75, 95, 97, 119, 122] ....stopOverwrite: [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 52, 90, 119] ......onlyAllow: [] ......stopCopy: [7, 97] ......stopOverwrite: [7, 52] ....admin: ......onlyAllow: [] ......stopCopy: [] ......stopOverwrite: []

Ephemeris commented 12 years ago

After further review, it would be wonderful to also have these extensible permissions in pickhax.

Peter200lx commented 12 years ago

I'm working on designing this, but when it does come, it will apply to all tools that have the "global:" options.

Peter200lx commented 12 years ago

Wow, sorry for such a long silence, it took a lot of thinking to design this properly. It is still complicated, but is fully functional (for the Sledge tool). I'll port the other tools over soon, and then post a build here that you can test the functionality with.

If you want to get an idea of how it works, feel free to read through

Peter200lx commented 11 years ago

Ok, this should now all be working. I've tested on my own, but I think it is now ready for others to use. Please feel free to ask questions about configuring it, as I know the setup is complicated. Below is a build of the above commit. I have a couple more issues to resolve before another official release, but this should be a .... An issue was found with this build, look at the next comment for the proper build

Peter200lx commented 11 years ago

Oops, commit bad2602 merely loaded the ranked lists for all tools instead of actually checking the ranked lists. This has now been resolved. A new build is now in dropbox:

Peter200lx commented 11 years ago

This feature is now present in release 0.4