PeterChauYEG / chefbot-arduino

an arduino port of Lentin's chefbot code for the Tiva C.
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Problem moving the robot using navigation stack #1

Open MB2412 opened 6 years ago

MB2412 commented 6 years ago

I have setup navigation stack on my robot with all the nodes up and running (move_base, amcl , costmap2d etc.). I am also able to move my robot using teleoperation (keyboard control) and see its motion in Rviz as well. Now, I have created a map using gmapping and loaded it with amcl and when I give 2D NavGoal command from Rviz, the robot does not move. It shows the planned path in Rviz but does not move. In the terminal, it prints 'Got new plan' many times and at the end prints 'Rotate Recovery behavior started'. And after that, nothing happens. Any ideas why the robot is not moving.

i am using an arduino mega as you did but with different encoders B83609 (these encoders are the only available in my area) but i am using same IMU(MPU6050,) kinect,and L298N i did the following changes in the code and i have i having all the data coming from sensors. but when i try now to teleportate the robot now (after doing changes on the code) only left wheel is turning i suppose the problem is coming from the interruption and timers(timer1 and timer3) because that s the only changes from our codes. so it will be so kindly from you if you can give me some of your time and check my code as yon can see in this a screen shot from the serial monitor screenshot from 2018-06-21 15-13-12 this is the modified code chebot_123.txt

PeterChauYEG commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I encountered a similar issue when I was setting up the code too. I believe the issue was localization of the robot on the map. However, ever after, the effectiveness of autonomous navigation was low.

I’ll look into it and try to find a solution. Until then, please try to:

I love also written about my build process here:

Perhaps it will help you solve it before I am able to dig into the issue.

Peter Chau

On Jun 21, 2018, at 8:27 AM, MB2412 wrote:

I have setup navigation stack on my robot with all the nodes up and running (move_base, amcl , costmap2d etc.). I am also able to move my robot using teleoperation (keyboard control) and see its motion in Rviz as well. Now, I have created a map using gmapping and loaded it with amcl and when I give 2D NavGoal command from Rviz, the robot does not move. It shows the planned path in Rviz but does not move. In the terminal, it prints 'Got new plan' many times and at the end prints 'Rotate Recovery behavior started'. And after that, nothing happens. Any ideas why the robot is not moving.

i am using an arduino mega as you did but with different encoders B83609 (these encoders are the only available in my area) but i am using same IMU(MPU6050,) kinect,and L298N i did the following changes in the code and i have i having all the data coming from sensors. but when i try now to teleportate the robot now (after doing changes on the code) only left wheel is turning i suppose the problem is coming from the interruption and timers(timer1 and timer3) because that s the only changes from our codes. so it will be so kindly from you if you can give me some of your time and check my code as yon can see in this a screen shot from the serial monitor

this is the modified code chebot_123.txt

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tomha85 commented 5 years ago

i have the same problem, can you help. RObot do not move after navigation