PeterFWS / Structure-PLP-SLAM

[ICRA'23] The official Implementation of "Structure PLP-SLAM: Efficient Sparse Mapping and Localization using Point, Line and Plane for Monocular, RGB-D and Stereo Cameras"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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run is Aborted?why? #4

Open guoqian0097282 opened 1 year ago

guoqian0097282 commented 1 year ago

./build/run_euroc_slam_with_line -v ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 -d /home/gq/guoqian/data/V1_02_medium/mav0/ -c ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml [2022-08-24 14:19:29.138] [I] config file loaded: ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml

Structure PLP-SLAM: Copyright (C) 2022, Department Augmented Vision, DFKI, Germany. All rights reserved.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the LICENSE file.

Camera Configuration:

ORB Configuration:

Other Configuration: PangolinViewer:

[2022-08-24 14:19:29.141] [I] loading ORB vocabulary: ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 [2022-08-24 14:19:29.553] [I] startup SLAM system Gtk-Message: 14:19:29.712: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" [2022-08-24 14:19:34.352] [I] initialization succeeded with H double free or corruption (out) Aborted at 1661321974 (unix time) try "date -d @1661321974" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x7f9cc3ec800b gsignal SIGABRT (@0x3e80001f570) received by PID 128368 (TID 0x7f9ca8b50700) from PID 128368; stack trace: @ 0x7f9cc595e631 (unknown) @ 0x7f9cc550e420 (unknown) @ 0x7f9cc3ec800b gsignal @ 0x7f9cc3ea7859 abort @ 0x7f9cc3f1226e (unknown) @ 0x7f9cc3f1a2fc (unknown) @ 0x7f9cc3f1bfa0 (unknown) @ 0x7f9cc3ddc6a8 g2o::OptimizableGraph::~OptimizableGraph() @ 0x7f9cc57edc7f PLPSLAM::optimize::global_bundle_adjuster::optimize() @ 0x7f9cc57737f6 PLPSLAM::module::initializer::create_map_for_monocular() @ 0x7f9cc5774f9b PLPSLAM::module::initializer::initialize() @ 0x7f9cc563edd0 PLPSLAM::tracking_module::initialize() @ 0x7f9cc5641245 PLPSLAM::tracking_module::track() @ 0x7f9cc5641c28 PLPSLAM::tracking_module::track_monocular_image() @ 0x7f9cc5626581 PLPSLAM::system::feed_monocular_frame() @ 0x5638a377a985 _ZZ13mono_trackingRKSt10shared_ptrIN7PLPSLAM6configEERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESC_jbbbSC_bENKUlvE_clEv @ 0x7f9cc4168de4 (unknown) @ 0x7f9cc5502609 start_thread @ 0x7f9cc3fa4133 clone Aborted (core dumped)

PeterFWS commented 1 year ago


The crash may be due to the different version of g2o installed, which seems to be a known issue that can be solved by de-activating BUILD_WITH_MARCH NATIVE (in ccmake .).

Best regards

guoqian0097282 commented 1 year ago

Yes, It can work. Thank you!

guoqian0097282 commented 1 year ago

When run run_euroc_slam_planeSeg with mono. The image is black. nothing to do.

./build/run_euroc_slam_planeSeg -v ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 -d /home/gq/guoqian/data/V1_02_medium/mav0/ -c ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml [2022-08-24 15:27:09.690] [I] config file loaded: ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml

Structure PLP-SLAM: Copyright (C) 2022, Department Augmented Vision, DFKI, Germany. All rights reserved.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the LICENSE file.

Camera Configuration:

ORB Configuration:

Other Configuration: PangolinViewer:

[2022-08-24 15:27:09.695] [I] loading ORB vocabulary: ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 [2022-08-24 15:27:10.089] [I] >system< connect other module with PlanarMapping module [2022-08-24 15:27:10.092] [I] >tracking< link planar_mapper to tracker [2022-08-24 15:27:10.092] [I] startup SLAM system [2022-08-24 15:27:10.092] [I] start mapping module [2022-08-24 15:27:10.092] [I] start global optimization module Gtk-Message: 15:27:10.251: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"

PeterFWS commented 1 year ago


I have seen the error " Could not load a timestamp file from /data/TUM_RGBD/rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_structure_texture_far/rgb.txt" from your terminal output.

Please make sure you have configured your dataset folder correctly.

Same for the EuRoC dataset, make sure you have followed the README and prepared the segmentation masks beforehand.


guoqian0097282 commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry , I copied it wrong.

The questions is ./build/run_euroc_slam_with_lien -v ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 -d /home/gq/guoqian/data/V1_02_medium/mav0/ -c ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml It run OK. But, ./build/run_euroc_slam_planeSeg -v ./orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 -d /home/gq/guoqian/data/V1_02_medium/mav0/ -c ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml The image is black,nothing to do .The dataset is same.

PeterFWS commented 1 year ago

well, in this case, I am not sure what the problem is. The dataloader should be working.

have you tried stereo mode? or try planar SLAM on a different dataset to see if the problem still exists.

please let me know if you found any bugs.


guoqian0097282 commented 1 year ago

I think the reason maybe is that we use different models. Can you share your model in Baidu network disk? I can not open OneDrive.

PeterFWS commented 1 year ago


thank you first for trying the code.

Please find the segmentation masks (dataset TUM RGB-D, ICL-NUIM, and EuRoC MAV) shared in Baidu disk, as you requested:
Link: password: htgm

Please follow the README and save the corresponding segmentation masks under your dataset folder, thereafter the Planar SLAM should be able to load the image automatically.

Best regards,

guoqian0097282 commented 1 year ago

Thank you!! I will try it.