PeterH0323 / Smart_Construction

Base on YOLOv5 Head Person Helmet Detection on Construction Sites,基于目标检测工地安全帽和禁入危险区域识别系统,🚀😆附 YOLOv5 训练自己的数据集超详细教程🚀😆2021.3新增可视化界面❗❗
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onnx export can work #53

Closed zackxue closed 9 months ago

zackxue commented 3 years ago

python ./models/ --weights ./weights/ --img 640 --batch 1

File "", line 301, in detections = detect_onnx(official=False, image_path=image_path) File "", line 180, in detect_onnx session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession('./weights/helmet_head_person_s.onnx') File "C:\Users\vision\Anaconda3\envs\pt_gpu\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\", line 283, in init self._create_inference_session(providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers) File "C:\Users\vision\Anaconda3\envs\pt_gpu\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\", line 310, in _create_inference_session sess = C.InferenceSession(session_options, self._model_path, True, self._read_config_from_model) onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.Fail: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Load model from ./weights/helmet_head_person_s.onnx failed:Node (Mul_882) Op (Mul) [ShapeInferenceError] Incompatible dimensions

when use the, it can work. python ./models/ --weights ./weights/ --img 640 --batch 1 tested by below

When use the official model, set the official True detections = detect_onnx(official=True, image_path=image_path)

zackxue commented 3 years ago

Sorry, the title should be onnx export can't work

FunJoo commented 1 year ago
