This set of changes address several of the OpenMP issues that are currently present in the trunk. In particular it address issues #12, and #14. While there are still several OpenMP issues that remain in the code these modifications are sufficient to at least get the horizontal, vertical and tracer modes working in CAM-SE and the vertical and tracer modes working in CAM-SE-CSLAM. The horizontal mode in CAM-SE-CSLAM, as well as nested OpenMP threading is still not functional. It should also be noted that a number of OpenMP loops were deactivated, and the CSLAM advection does is still not threaded. Performance is currently not a priority in this version. This pull request has been tested against the FKESSLER_WACCM configuration, using 225 MPI ranks for CAM-SE and 180 MPI ranks for CAM-SE-CSLAM using either 1 or 2 OpenMP threads. The .h0. and .h1. files are identical between between the all MPI and MPI + OpenMP threaded versions.
This set of changes address several of the OpenMP issues that are currently present in the trunk. In particular it address issues #12, and #14. While there are still several OpenMP issues that remain in the code these modifications are sufficient to at least get the horizontal, vertical and tracer modes working in CAM-SE and the vertical and tracer modes working in CAM-SE-CSLAM. The horizontal mode in CAM-SE-CSLAM, as well as nested OpenMP threading is still not functional. It should also be noted that a number of OpenMP loops were deactivated, and the CSLAM advection does is still not threaded. Performance is currently not a priority in this version. This pull request has been tested against the FKESSLER_WACCM configuration, using 225 MPI ranks for CAM-SE and 180 MPI ranks for CAM-SE-CSLAM using either 1 or 2 OpenMP threads. The .h0. and .h1. files are identical between between the all MPI and MPI + OpenMP threaded versions.