PeterHorsbollMoller / mbFavoriteMaps

MapBasic tool for creating easy access to often used (background) maps/tables for MapInfo Pro 64 bit
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Custom group captions #1

Open thomparker opened 1 year ago

thomparker commented 1 year ago

Is it possible for the name of each WrapPanel group to be printed above each group of layers? Eg in the demo data this would be Base Maps, Aerial Maps and Historical Maps?

This looks to be a very useful tool. Thanks!

PeterHorsbollMoller commented 1 year ago

I thought it was as easy as to pass over the name as the caption but that wasn't the case. Let me look a bit more into this as it should be possible. You can see the caption for example on the Open splitbutton

PeterHorsbollMoller commented 1 year ago

Stack/Wrappanel doesn't seem to show the name above each group. DropDownMenuGroups do however but I didn't find a way to make them show the controls horizontally. Galleries may be the better option in fact but I haven't built support for these in the RibbonLIB. It can however be done through the new Create Ribbon statement that was added with MapInfo Pro v2021. FavoriteMaps with DropDownMenuGroups

thomparker commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for looking into this. I will probably use the tool as is, but that provides some ideas for future development. Are there any examples of Galleries controls in 2021? Thanks.

thomparker commented 1 year ago

I don't suppose you have the code sample for the DropDownMenuGroups in your screenshot where it differs from the WrapPanels? I'm struggling to understand the hierarchy and naming of these controls! Many thanks!

PeterHorsbollMoller commented 11 months ago

Sorry, I dropped the ball on this discussion.

I have just uploaded a new version of FavoriteMaps where you can control the button type and panel type via the Config File: 'ButtonType: 9=ControlType_DropDownButton, 10=ControlType_SplitButton BUTTONTYPE=9 'PanelType: 11=ControlType_DropDownMenuGroup, 22=ControlType_StackPanel, 25=ControlType_WrapPanel PANELTYPE=11

The above setting will result in the example you saw in the screenshot above