PeterJensen / nascom-esp

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Request for help in compiling Nascom-ESP #1

Open bob-g4bby opened 1 year ago

bob-g4bby commented 1 year ago

Hi Peter,

I'm a numty when it comes to Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO. I downloaded your four files there - but PlatformIO complains it can't open file ESP32Lib.h nor devdrivers/keyboard.h . I used to have a Nascom and was hoping to emulate it using a TTGO based VGA32 board. I'll need to reassign some pins, but need to get your original code to compile first.

Any hints on getting to a successful compile would be appreciated - Bob Edwards, SW U.K.

PeterJensen commented 1 year ago

Hi Bob @bob-g4bby ,

So sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I didn't see this issue until just now.

The code makes use of these two libraries:

You'll need to have a 'clones' directory at the same level as your nascom-esp clone. Those two repos must be cloned into that clones directory. Alternatively you can modify platformio.ini to point to where they can be found.

In addition, I've made a few changes to the repos mentioned above, so after you've created the clones you'll need to apply the two patches found in this repo, so something like this:

$ cd ESP32Lib
$ git apply ../../nascom-esp/ESP32Lib.patch
$ cd ../FabGL
$ git apply ../../nascom-esp/FabGL.patch

Hope this helps Peter