PeterKamphuis / FAT

FAT is now surpassed by pyFAT ( a much more flexible and hopefully more accurate version of the code. The IDL/GDL wrapper is merely retained for historical purposes. FAT is an IDL/GDL wrapper to automate TiRiFiC
MIT License
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Getting warnings on running `FAT` #22

Closed dutta-alankar closed 1 year ago

dutta-alankar commented 1 year ago


I get some warnings on trying to run FAT installation check. Just wanted to make sure that it is not something too important probably there can be something which the developers can suggest to fix this.

I have also created a public Docker repository where FAT is setup for public use. One can just download the docker image and get FAT running right away as all libraries and environment has been checked and pre-set. I thought about sharing that as well. Here's the link:

WARNING: Ignoring unknown parameter: parameters.dilateChan = 1
WARNING: Converting '/S' to '/s' in CUNIT3.
WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: DATE-OBS= 1994.884
a string value was expected. [astropy.wcs.wcs]
WARNING: WCS conversion of parameters failed with the following error:
WARNING:   (<class 'astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError'>, InvalidTransformError("ERROR 6 in wcs_units() at line 2582 of file wcs.c:\nIn CUNIT1 : Invalid symbol in EXPON context in 'DEGREE'.\n",), <traceback object at 0x7f753c919f38>)
WARNING:   at line 165 of

ls: cannot access '*_opt*': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Optimized': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'No_Warp': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'Overview.png': No such file or directory
% Compiled module: LOADCT.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation
% Compiled module: TO_HEX.

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)
Copyright (C) 2018 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Loading NimbusSans-Regular font from /usr/share/ghostscript/9.26/Resource/Font/NimbusSans-Regular... 4425900 2899258 2037672 733360 4 done.
mv: cannot stat 'No_Warp/*.def': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'Optimized/*.def': No such file or directory

Full log:

 fat_user@9545768d14ac:~/FAT$ gdl

  GDL - GNU Data Language, Version 0.9.6

- For basic information type HELP,/INFO
- Please report bugs, feature or help requests and patches at:

GDL> .r
% Compiled module: FAT.
GDL> FAT, /installation_check
% Compiled module: STR_SEP.
% Compiled module: BEAM_PLOT.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: BOOK_KEEPING.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: BUILDAXII.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CALC_EDGE.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CHANGERADII.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CHECK_CFLUX.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CLEANUP.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CLEAN_HEADER.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: COLOUR_BAR.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: COLORMAPS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: COLUMNDENSITY.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CONVERTRADEC.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: CREATE_RESIDUAL_FILE.
% Compiled module: CREATE_RESIDUALS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: DEC_NAMES.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: EXTRACT_PV.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FAT_ARCTAN.
% Compiled module: FATARCTAN.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FATARCTAN.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FAT_FIT.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Warning: Keyword parameter COMPILE_FULL_FILE not supported in call to: RESOLVE_ROUTINE. Ignored.
% Compiled module: FAT_GDLGAUSS.
% Compiled module: FATGAUSS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FAT_SAVGOL.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FAT_PLOTERROR.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FAT_SMOOTH.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FAT_SPLINE.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: GETDHI.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: GET_FIXEDRINGSV9.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: GET_NEWRINGSV9.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: GET_PROGRESS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: INT_PROFILEV2.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: INTERPOLATE.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: INSTALL_CHECK.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: ISNUMERIC.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: LINENUMBER.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: MOMENTSV2.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: OBTAIN_PA_INCL.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: OBTAIN_RATIOS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: OBTAIN_VELPA.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: OBTAIN_W50.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: ORGANIZE_OUTPUT.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: OVERVIEW_PLOT.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: PRE_RAN_SOFIA.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: PREPROCESSING.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: RA_NAMES.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: READ_TEMPLATE.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: REGULARISATION_SDIS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: RENAME.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: ROTTAB.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: RUN_SOFIA.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: SBR_CHECK.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: SET_SBR.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: SET_SDIS.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: SET_VROTV6.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: SET_WARP_SLOPEV3.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: SHOWPIXELSMAP.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: WRITENEWTOTEMPLATE.
% RESOLVE_ROUTINE: Compiled file: /home/fat_user/FAT/Support/
% Compiled module: FILE_LINES.
% Compiled module: STRSPLIT.
 (629) This is version V2.0.2 of the program
 (864) We're at galaxy number 0. Which is catalogue id number 0
% Compiled module: READFITS.
% Compiled module: SXPAR.
% Compiled module: GETTOK.
% Compiled module: VALID_NUM.
% Compiled module: SXADDPAR.
% Compiled module: SXDELPAR.
% Compiled module: STDDEV.
% Compiled module: MOMENT.
% Compiled module: WRITEFITS.
% Compiled module: CHECK_FITS.
% Compiled module: FXPAR.
 (1126) We have started from the original cube.
 (1160) RUN_SOFIA: Running SoFiA.
WARNING: Ignoring unknown parameter: parameters.dilateChan = 1
WARNING: Converting '/S' to '/s' in CUNIT3.
WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: DATE-OBS= 1994.884
a string value was expected. [astropy.wcs.wcs]
WARNING: WCS conversion of parameters failed with the following error:
WARNING:   (<class 'astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError'>, InvalidTransformError("ERROR 6 in wcs_units() at line 2582 of file wcs.c:\nIn CUNIT1 : Invalid symbol in EXPON context in 'DEGREE'.\n",), <traceback object at 0x7f753c919f38>)
WARNING:   at line 165 of
% Compiled module: XYAD.
% Compiled module: EXTAST.
% Compiled module: REMCHAR.
% Compiled module: ZPARCHECK.
% Compiled module: REPSTR.
% Compiled module: GET_EQUINOX.
% Compiled module: DATE_CONV.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% Compiled module: TAG_EXIST.
% Compiled module: XY2AD.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
 (1283) MOMENTSV2: We have converted the units to Jy/Beam x Km/s
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
 (1319) MOMENTSV2: We are converting to KM/S
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
 (1355) MOMENTSV2: We are converting to KM/S
% Compiled module: ROT.
% Compiled module: MPFITFUN.
% Compiled module: MPFIT.
% Compiled module: MEAN.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% Compiled module: ADXY.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% Compiled module: AD2XY.
 (2096) EXTRACT_PV: We are converting to KM/S
 (2920) Starting tirific SBR estimate in  ./ which is galaxy # 0 at Sat Jul 22 04:39:49 2023
% Compiled module: LA_INVERT.
 (3204) Starting tirific first estimate in  ./  which is galaxy #  0 at Sat Jul 22 04:41:44 2023
 (3251) The first estimate is accepted.
 (3204) Starting tirific first estimate in  ./  which is galaxy #  0 at Sat Jul 22 04:44:53 2023
 (3251) The first estimate is accepted.
 (3204) Starting tirific first estimate in  ./  which is galaxy #  0 at Sat Jul 22 04:58:47 2023
 (3251) The first estimate is accepted.
 (3204) Starting tirific first estimate in  ./  which is galaxy #  0 at Sat Jul 22 05:13:46 2023
 (3251) The first estimate is accepted.
 (3204) Starting tirific first estimate in  ./  which is galaxy #  0 at Sat Jul 22 05:27:22 2023
 (3251) The first estimate is accepted.
 (3204) Starting tirific first estimate in  ./  which is galaxy #  0 at Sat Jul 22 05:43:11 2023
 (3251) The first estimate is accepted.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
 (4002) EXTRACT_PV: We are converting to KM/S
% EXTAST: Unrecognized distortion acronym: / P
 (4005) EXTRACT_PV: We are converting to KM/S
 (4033) MOMENTSV2: We have converted the units to Jy/Beam x Km/s
% EXTAST: Unrecognized distortion acronym: / P
 (4036) MOMENTSV2: We are converting to KM/S
% EXTAST: Unrecognized distortion acronym: / P
 (4039) MOMENTSV2: We are converting to KM/S
% EXTAST: Unrecognized distortion acronym: / P
ls: cannot access '*_opt*': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Optimized': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'No_Warp': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'Overview.png': No such file or directory
% Compiled module: LOADCT.
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation
% Compiled module: TO_HEX.

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% Compiled module: INTERPOL.
% Compiled module: FINDEX.

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation

UTF-8 string is malformed: 21!9�!X25', aborting operation
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
% DATE_CONV: Invalid input date specified
GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)
Copyright (C) 2018 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Loading NimbusSans-Regular font from /usr/share/ghostscript/9.26/Resource/Font/NimbusSans-Regular... 4425900 2899258 2037672 733360 4 done.
mv: cannot stat 'No_Warp/*.def': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'Optimized/*.def': No such file or directory

!!!! As far as we can tell FAT is installed     !!!!!
!!!! properly and runs smoothly.                !!!!!
PeterKamphuis commented 1 year ago

The PLPLOT error is expected and standard. As we are no longer developing the GDL version of FAT we'll leave it as is.

dutta-alankar commented 1 year ago

The PLPLOT error is expected and standard. As we are no longer developing the GDL version of FAT we'll leave it as is.

@PeterKamphuis Thanks for the confirmation. This means that the Docker image works as expected!

Since this is a legacy version and won't have any major updates in future, I thought about creating the Docker image that can work out of the box independent of the native OS version and library versions. If you deem that this might be useful to the users who are still interested in using the legacy GDL code, then you can put this in the of the repo.

Docker image link:

You may close this issue as resolved.

PeterKamphuis commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the docker image I have aadeed the link at the start of the installation/requirements of the readme.