PeterKamphuis / FAT

FAT is now surpassed by pyFAT ( a much more flexible and hopefully more accurate version of the code. The IDL/GDL wrapper is merely retained for historical purposes. FAT is an IDL/GDL wrapper to automate TiRiFiC
MIT License
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Overview plot of fit #6

Closed PeterKamphuis closed 8 years ago

PeterKamphuis commented 8 years ago

Produce as output a single png file that gives an overview of parameters, PV-diagrams and moment maps. This should be uniform/similar as output overview from 2DBAT.

I think that for starters this file should have the radial profiles for SBR, VROT, INC, and PA. The moment0, 1, 2 maps with contours of model and data. In case of FAT a PV-diagram along the major axis comparing model and data.

PeterKamphuis commented 8 years ago

This has now been added to FAT. In case of IDL the plot is a png file, GDL has still some limitations which forced us to make a ps file for the overview.

Closing this thread.