PeterL1n / BackgroundMattingV2

Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting
MIT License
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How to get result image on C++ #54

Closed MolianWH closed 3 years ago

MolianWH commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your greate contributions. I refered model_usage for C++ , but I don't know how to transform the results and show

I also refered I get inspiration from the code

pha, fgr = model(src, bgr)[:2]
res = pha * fgr + (1 - pha) * torch.ones_like(fgr)
res = res.mul(255).byte().cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy()[0]
res = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
key = dsp.step(res)

I need transform it to c++ but there still some questions.

    auto outputs = model.forward({src, bgr}).toTuple()->elements();
    auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
    auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();

   // the fllowing code is error, but I have no idea.
    auto res_tensor = (pha * fgr + (1-pha) * torch::ones_like(fgr)).mul(255).cpu();
    Mat res(res_tensor.size(2), res_tensor.size(3), CV_8UC3, (void*) res_tensor.data_ptr<uint8_t>());
    cvtColor(res, res, COLOR_RGB2BGR);
    imshow("matting", res);

Would you please show me the code to study?Thanks.

PeterL1n commented 3 years ago

It seems like you are having a problem on how to use PyTorch rather than a problem with the model. I am less familiar with the C++ API so I can't really help you.

zf921022 commented 3 years ago

cv::Mat res(fgr.size(2), fgr.size(3), CV_8UC3); auto res_tensor = (pha * fgr + (1-pha) * torch::ones_like(fgr)).mul(255).clamp(0,255).to(torch::kU8); std::memcpy((void *), res_tensor.data_ptr(), sizeof(torch::kU8) * res_tensor.numel());

zhanghongyong123456 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your greate contributions. I refered model_usage for C++ , but I don't know how to transform the results and show

I also refered I get inspiration from the code

pha, fgr = model(src, bgr)[:2]
res = pha * fgr + (1 - pha) * torch.ones_like(fgr)
res = res.mul(255).byte().cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy()[0]
res = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
key = dsp.step(res)

I need transform it to c++ but there still some questions.

    auto outputs = model.forward({src, bgr}).toTuple()->elements();
    auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
    auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();

   // the fllowing code is error, but I have no idea.
    auto res_tensor = (pha * fgr + (1-pha) * torch::ones_like(fgr)).mul(255).cpu();
    Mat res(res_tensor.size(2), res_tensor.size(3), CV_8UC3, (void*) res_tensor.data_ptr<uint8_t>());
    cvtColor(res, res, COLOR_RGB2BGR);
    imshow("matting", res);

Would you please show me the code to study?Thanks.

I am a C ++ beginner, I also want to achieve C ++ code under the image display, how to do, I hope you can show your code to learn

luoww1992 commented 3 years ago have you finished to show it in c++ ? if finished, how to do ? thanks !

luoww1992 commented 3 years ago

@PeterL1n i run it in c++, when i get the fgr image, it is wrong: image

my env: cuda101 libtorch 1.7.1_debug_cu101 python3.6 vs2019 image_size:1920*1080 model: torchscript_resnet101_fp32.pth


        auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
        auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();

        auto res_tensor = fgr;  // pha* fgr + (1 - pha) *  nbg_tensor;

        res_tensor = res_tensor.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).permute({ 0, 2, 3, 1 })[0].to(torch::kU8).cpu();

        cv::Mat res(res_tensor.size(0), res_tensor.size(1), CV_8UC3, res_tensor.data_ptr());

        cv::cvtColor(res, res, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR);
        cv::imwrite("res.png", res);

it shows 9 images with 640*360, what happened?

luoww1992 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your greate contributions. I refered model_usage for C++ , but I don't know how to transform the results and show I also refered I get inspiration from the code

pha, fgr = model(src, bgr)[:2]
res = pha * fgr + (1 - pha) * torch.ones_like(fgr)
res = res.mul(255).byte().cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy()[0]
res = cv2.cvtColor(res, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
key = dsp.step(res)

I need transform it to c++ but there still some questions.

    auto outputs = model.forward({src, bgr}).toTuple()->elements();
    auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
    auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();

   // the fllowing code is error, but I have no idea.
    auto res_tensor = (pha * fgr + (1-pha) * torch::ones_like(fgr)).mul(255).cpu();
    Mat res(res_tensor.size(2), res_tensor.size(3), CV_8UC3, (void*) res_tensor.data_ptr<uint8_t>());
    cvtColor(res, res, COLOR_RGB2BGR);
    imshow("matting", res);

Would you please show me the code to study?Thanks.

I am a C ++ beginner, I also want to achieve C ++ code under the image display, how to do, I hope you can show your code to learn

Have you solved it? I ran it successfully, but the image turned out to be wrong.

And is your result image right?

If right, what should be done?

How to improve the FPS in C++. my cuda is used, but low Utilization rate。

PeterL1n commented 3 years ago


This is pretty weird. My intuition is that the torch tensor has a different memory layout than cv Mat, so it is reading the 3 channels wrong and that's why the image is divided to 3 parts on height and width. Alpha won't have this problem because it only has 1 channel.

Maybe try calling .contiguous() after permute and try play around with permute. Idk

luoww1992 commented 3 years ago

@PeterL1n this is mycode:

#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <torch/script.h>
#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

int main()
    printf("Hello World!\n");
    auto hasCuda = torch::cuda::is_available();
    auto hasCudnn = torch::cuda::cudnn_is_available();
    auto hasCount = torch::cuda::device_count();
    std::cout << "Has cuda? " << hasCuda << " - Has cudnn? " << hasCudnn << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Device count : " << hasCount << std::endl;

    std::cout << "start load model......\n";
    auto device = torch::Device("cuda");
    auto precision = torch::kFloat32;
    auto model = torch::jit::load("./torchscript_resnet101_fp32.pth");
    model.setattr("backbone_scale", 0.25);
    model.setattr("refine_mode", "sampling");
    model.setattr("refine_sample_pixels", 80000);;
    std::cout << "model load  over\n";

    std::cout << "start load image......\n";
    cv::Mat image1 = cv::imread("fgr.png");
    std::cout << "fgr " << image1.rows << " " << image1.cols << " " << image1.channels() << std::endl;
    torch::Tensor fgr_tensor = torch::from_blob(, { 1, image1.rows, image1.cols, 3 }, torch::kByte);//
    fgr_tensor = fgr_tensor.permute({ 0, 3, 1, 2 });
    fgr_tensor = fgr_tensor.toType(precision);
    fgr_tensor = fgr_tensor.div(255);
    fgr_tensor =;

    cv::Mat image2 = cv::imread("bgr.png");
    std::cout << "bgr " << image2.rows << " " << image2.cols << " " << image2.channels() << std::endl;
    torch::Tensor bgr_tensor = torch::from_blob(, { 1, image2.rows, image2.cols, 3 }, torch::kByte);//
    bgr_tensor = bgr_tensor.permute({ 0, 3, 1, 2 });
    bgr_tensor = bgr_tensor.toType(precision);
    bgr_tensor = bgr_tensor.div(255);
    bgr_tensor =;

    cv::Mat image3 = cv::imread("newbg.png");
    std::cout << "newbg " << image3.rows << " " << image3.cols << " " << image3.channels() << std::endl;
    torch::Tensor nbg_tensor = torch::from_blob(, { 1, image3.rows, image3.cols, 3 }, torch::kByte);//
    nbg_tensor = nbg_tensor.permute({ 0, 3, 1, 2 });
    nbg_tensor = nbg_tensor.toType(precision);
    nbg_tensor = nbg_tensor.div(255);
    nbg_tensor =;

    auto a = nbg_tensor.sizes();
    std::cout << "nbg_tensor size " << a << std::endl;

    std::cout << "start inference......\n";

    clock_t start = clock();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        clock_t start1 = clock();

        auto outputs = model.forward({ fgr_tensor, bgr_tensor }).toTuple()->elements();

        auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
        auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();

        auto pha_size = pha.sizes();
        std::cout << "pha_size size " << pha_size << std::endl;
        auto fgr_size = fgr.sizes();
        std::cout << "fgr_size size " << fgr_size << std::endl;

        //auto res_tensor = fgr;
        auto res_tensor = pha* fgr + (1 - pha) * nbg_tensor;
        res_tensor = res_tensor.mul(255).clamp(0, 255).permute({ 0, 2, 3, 1 })[0].to(torch::kU8).cpu();

        cv::Mat res(res_tensor.size(0), res_tensor.size(1), CV_8UC3, res_tensor.data_ptr());

        cv::cvtColor(res, res, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR);
        cv::imwrite("res.png", res);
        clock_t end1 = clock();

        std::cout << "time epoch:" << (end1 - start1) << std::endl;

    clock_t end = clock();
    std::cout << "time:" << (end - start) << std::endl;


if do .contiguous(), will the result image size change ? in python , it spents 40ms in inferencing, while in c++ it spents a lot of time in whole inference, how to improve the inference fps ?

luoww1992 commented 3 years ago

@PeterL1n it is my code , what is your meaning? And i notice you will show a new better modle, so the time ? thank you !

PeterL1n commented 3 years ago

@luoww1992 Unfortunately, I do not have time to debug the code in C++. You are on your own.

BrightenWu commented 3 years ago

Python to C++ according to

#include <torch/script.h>
#include <torch/csrc/api/include/torch/cuda.h>
#include <QImage>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::cout << "cuda :" << torch::cuda::is_available() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "cudnn:" << torch::cuda::cudnn_is_available() << std::endl;

    //! Load model
    auto device = torch::Device("cuda");
    auto precision = torch::kFloat32;

    auto model = torch::jit::load(R"(E:\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.3.5\works\bgmatt\model\TorchScript\torchscript_mobilenetv2_fp32.pth)");

    model.setattr("backbone_scale", 0.25);
    model.setattr("refine_mode", "sampling");
    model.setattr("refine_sample_pixels", 80000);;

    //! Load image
    QImage imgSrc(R"(E:\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\works\QtBgMatt\x64\Release\input_img\src\src1.png)");
    QImage imgBg(R"(E:\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\works\QtBgMatt\x64\Release\input_img\bg\bg1.png)");

    //! Convert BGRA to RGB
    imgSrc = imgSrc.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888);
    imgBg = imgBg.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888);

    auto tensorSrc = torch::from_blob(imgSrc.bits(), { imgSrc.height(),imgSrc.width(),3 }, torch::kByte);
    tensorSrc =;
    tensorSrc = tensorSrc.permute({ 2,0,1 }).contiguous();
    auto tmpSrc =;
    tmpSrc =;

    auto tensorBg = torch::from_blob(imgBg.bits(), { imgBg.height(),imgBg.width(),3 }, torch::kByte);
    tensorBg =;
    tensorBg = tensorBg.permute({ 2,0,1 }).contiguous();
    auto tmpBg =;
    tmpBg =;

    //! Inference
    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    //torch::NoGradGuard no_grad;
    auto outputs = model.forward({ tmpSrc, tmpBg }).toTuple()->elements();

    std::cout << "time(ms):" << static_cast<uint64_t>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start).count()) << std::endl;

    auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
    auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();

    auto pha_size = pha.sizes();
    std::cout << "pha_size size " << pha_size << std::endl;
    auto fgr_size = fgr.sizes();
    std::cout << "fgr_size size " << fgr_size << std::endl;

    auto tgt_bgr = torch::tensor({ 120.f / 255, 255.f / 255, 155.f / 255 }).toType(precision).to(device).view({ 1, 3, 1, 1 });
    std::cout << "tgt_bgr size " << tgt_bgr.sizes() << std::endl;

    auto res_tensor = pha * fgr + (1 - pha) * tgt_bgr;
    res_tensor = res_tensor.mul(255).to(torch::kUInt8).cpu().permute({ 0,2,3,1 });
    res_tensor = res_tensor.contiguous();

    std::cout << "res_tensor size " << res_tensor.sizes() << std::endl;

    QImage imgRes(static_cast<uchar *>(res_tensor.data_ptr()), res_tensor.size(1), res_tensor.size(0), QImage::Format_RGB888);
    std::cout << "Save: " <<"Res.png") << std::endl;