Hi, I do a test to below image, I found there is a pink edge around the human on composite and fbr image, I noticed that the beauty in the image was standing in front of blue screen,so whether the pink edge related to this ?
this is the command I used to do the test:
python inference.py --variant resnet50 --checkpoint ../Pretrained/rvm_resnet50.pth --device cpu --input-source n:/AIImage/test --downsample-ratio 0.25 --output-composition ./output/comp --output-alpha ./output/alpha --output-foreground ./output/fore --output-type png_sequence
Hi, I do a test to below image, I found there is a pink edge around the human on composite and fbr image, I noticed that the beauty in the image was standing in front of blue screen,so whether the pink edge related to this ?
this is the command I used to do the test: python inference.py --variant resnet50 --checkpoint ../Pretrained/rvm_resnet50.pth --device cpu --input-source n:/AIImage/test --downsample-ratio 0.25 --output-composition ./output/comp --output-alpha ./output/alpha --output-foreground ./output/fore --output-type png_sequence