Gupta, Hoshin V., Harald Kling, Koray K. Yilmaz, Guillermo F. Martinez.
Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria:
Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of Hydrology,
Volume 377, Issues 1-2, 20 October 2009, Pages 80-91. DOI:
10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.003. ISSN 0022-1694
Kling, H., M. Fuchs, and M. Paulin (2012), Runoff conditions in the upper
Danube basin under an ensemble of climate change scenarios. Journal of
Hydrology, Volumes 424-425, 6 March 2012, Pages 264-277,
Two versions of KGE are presented in:
Gupta, Hoshin V., Harald Kling, Koray K. Yilmaz, Guillermo F. Martinez. Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 377, Issues 1-2, 20 October 2009, Pages 80-91. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.003. ISSN 0022-1694
Kling, H., M. Fuchs, and M. Paulin (2012), Runoff conditions in the upper Danube basin under an ensemble of climate change scenarios. Journal of Hydrology, Volumes 424-425, 6 March 2012, Pages 264-277, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.01.011