PeterRudin-Burgess / Bare-Metal-Edition

A d100 roleplaying game system without setting or genre constraints.
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size rules ? #1

Open terefang opened 4 years ago

terefang commented 4 years ago
Size Examples
Tiny Imp, sprite
Small Giant rat, goblin
Medium Orc, werewolf
Large Hippogriff, ogre
Huge Fire giant, treant
Gargantuan Kraken, purple worm
PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

I would like to build these into the creature stats. So tiny creatures have less hits and smaller OBs but more DB. The bigger the creature the bigger more hits, bigger OB. The intention is that there is no additional math at the gaming table.

terefang commented 4 years ago

i am which you.

what about building actual creatures ?

maybe like this table (adapted from ogl):

Size DB OB Hits
Fine +40 –40 x0.25
Diminutive +20 –20 x0.33
Tiny +10 –10 x0.5
Small +5 –5 x0.7
Medium +0 +0 x1
Large –5 +5 x1.5
Huge –10 +10 x2
Gargantuan –20 +20 x3
Colossal –40 +40 x4
terefang commented 4 years ago

i have generated a test tables combining creature types with sizes:

Aberration Size LE OB DB Hits
Fine 5 5 51 7
Diminutive 5 25 31 9
Tiny 5 35 21 14
Small 5 40 16 19
Medium 5 45 11 28
Large 5 50 6 42
Huge 5 55 1 56
Gargantuan 5 65 -9 84
Colossal 5 85 -29 112
Titanic 5 125 -69 224
PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

Monster Stats were taken from White Star and they took them from Swords & Wizardry.

It looks to me like there are three archetypes being employed. A generic beasty at Medium size has an OB of 45 and 28 hits A Magical archetype has 0 OB and 42 Hits A Combat archetype has 73 OB and 42 hits

To my eyes that suggests that: The Combat archetype gets +4 ranks in OB but these are preferred skills so gain +2/rank. They also get +2 ranks in Physique but also preferred so +2 per rank.

I think the magical archetype is spending the DPs from combat skills on magic.

I like your size progression.

terefang commented 4 years ago

more details:

Dragon Size LE OBb OBm OBs OBt DB Hits
Fine 11 98.0 1.0 -40.0 58 64 39
Diminutive 11 98.0 1.0 -20.0 78 44 51
Tiny 11 98.0 1.0 -10.0 88 34 78
Small 11 98.0 1.0 -5.0 93 29 109
Medium 11 98.0 1.0 0.0 98 24 156
Large 11 98.0 1.0 5.0 103 19 234
Huge 11 98.0 1.0 10.0 108 14 312
Gargantuan 11 98.0 1.0 20.0 118 4 468
Colossal 11 98.0 1.0 40.0 138 -16 624
Titanic 11 98.0 1.0 80.0 178 -56 1248

i use a precalculated skill table (with 4+3r/L, 3+2r/L, 2+1r/L, 1+0.5r/L, 0.25r/L, 0.125r/L, 0r/L) ana flat +1/L bonus. S#6 for DB, hits are more complicated

LE S#1 S#2 S#3 S#4 S#5 S#6 S#7 S#8
0 +20 +15 +10 +5 +0 +0 +0 +0
1 +36 +26 +18 +11 +3 +2 +1 +1
2 +52 +37 +27 +17 +7 +4 +3 +2
3 +59 +48 +35 +23 +10 +6 +4 +3
4 +66 +56 +44 +29 +14 +9 +6 +4
5 +73 +61 +52 +35 +17 +11 +8 +5
6 +78 +66 +58 +41 +21 +13 +9 +6
7 +82 +71 +62 +47 +24 +15 +11 +7
8 +86 +76 +66 +53 +28 +18 +13 +8
9 +90 +80 +70 +59 +31 +20 +14 +9
10 +94 +83 +74 +62 +35 +22 +16 +10
11 +98 +86 +78 +65 +38 +24 +17 +11
13 +106 +92 +84 +71 +45 +29 +21 +13
15 +114 +98 +89 +77 +52 +33 +24 +15
20 +134 +113 +102 +91 +70 +45 +32 +20
30 +174 +143 +127 +111 +90 +67 +48 +30
35 +194 +158 +139 +121 +100 +78 +56 +35
40 +214 +173 +152 +131 +110 +90 +65 +40
45 +234 +188 +164 +141 +117 +97 +73 +45
50 +254 +203 +177 +151 +125 +105 +81 +50
terefang commented 4 years ago

i have found those roles in pathfinder:

Any Role
Combat Role
No Role
Skill Role
Special Role
Spell Role
PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

This is brilliant. Could we emulate character creation in some way. So the Species gives certain Talents (attack type/access to magic/wings etc) In place of culture we have 'niche' so that would be herbivore, herd feeder, apex hunter, pack hunter, sapient tool user. Then over that we have your size and LE skill distributions.

A dragon would have the a Dragon-kin talent that provided claws, breath weapon and wings. It would have the apex hunter archetype as its niche.

PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

A Dragon Talent could then be applied to anything in the Dragon genepool, like pseudo dragons and Wyverns

PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

We don't need 1000 talents, like RMu Creature Law, but broad strokes.

terefang commented 4 years ago

yes ... we think along similar lines

terefang commented 4 years ago

the creature type values need more tuning, but i think i have the dragon close

PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

How do you feel about negative DBs in the final Creature?

I can see the logic that something the size of a house is going to be pretty easy to hit, or even hard to miss.

They have enough hits to stand the beating as well.

Default armour by size (derived from muscle mass and skin thickness) would compensate. So anything that is Large of Huge as a default AT of Light and anything bigger has Heavy.

That makes dinosaurs really easy to hit but really tough to kill.

terefang commented 4 years ago

added armor types to the creature types:

Dragon Size LE OBb OBm OBs OBt AT DB Hits
Fine 11 98.0 1.0 -40.0 58 Heavy 64 39
Diminutive 11 98.0 1.0 -20.0 78 Heavy 44 51
Tiny 11 98.0 1.0 -10.0 88 Heavy 34 78
Small 11 98.0 1.0 -5.0 93 Heavy 29 109
Medium 11 98.0 1.0 0.0 98 Heavy 24 156
Large 11 98.0 1.0 5.0 103 Heavy 19 234
Huge 11 98.0 1.0 10.0 108 Heavy 14 312
Gargantuan 11 98.0 1.0 20.0 118 Heavy 4 468
Colossal 11 98.0 1.0 40.0 138 Heavy -16 624
Titanic 11 98.0 1.0 80.0 178 Heavy -56 1248

a creature type would look like so in data for fine tuning (xxM ... multiplier, xxI ... table-index)

Aberration: {
        HTM: 0.8
        HTI: 4
        OBM: 0.75
        OBI: 2
        AT: 0
PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

Maybe Large + Huge = Minimum Light Gargantuan + Colossal = Minimum Medium Titanic = Minimum Heavy

Then that can be modified with Flaws the cancel a level of protection or by talents that improve it.

terefang commented 4 years ago

why give gigantic ooze a flaw if it still has no armor ?

lets not over-complicate things

in whitebox/sw a dragon has ac 2 regardless of size

PeterRudin-Burgess commented 4 years ago

OK, I am all for simple.

The Flaw would give the Ooze more DPs to spend on becoming more corrosive or whatever oozes like to do in their spare time.

terefang commented 4 years ago

digesting ?

terefang commented 4 years ago

you may want to look at the subtypes for more inspiration

terefang commented 4 years ago

how about critical severity reduction from size ?

rm/merp had large and super large crit tables.

could it be a simple modifier on the critical roll ?

eg. a medium combatant would get -50 to the critical roll against a titanic creature.

or the critical indicated by substracted from the final ob result is used

eg. result from roll+ob = 143; hits from 143, crit from 93(143-50) is used