PeterStaev / nativescript-image-swipe

A NativeScript widget to easily :point_up_2: and :mag: through a list of images
Apache License 2.0
35 stars 21 forks source link

Angular + Webpack not working for me #15

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Please help me because this plugin is very nice and easy to use. I build with webpack but the image swiper page not load images and no write problem to console. Can you help me? Thanx

ghost commented 7 years ago

My webpack.js :

const { resolve, join  } = require("path");

const webpack = require("webpack");
const nsWebpack = require("nativescript-dev-webpack");
const nativescriptTarget = require("nativescript-dev-webpack/nativescript-target");
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer");

const imageSwipeMangleExcludes = require("nativescript-image-swipe/uglify-mangle-excludes").default;

const { AotPlugin } = require("@ngtools/webpack");

const mainSheet = `app.css`;

module.exports = env => {
    const platform = getPlatform(env);

    // Default destination inside platforms/<platform>/...
    const path = resolve(nsWebpack.getAppPath(platform));

    const entry = {
        // Discover entry module from package.json
        bundle: `./${nsWebpack.getEntryModule()}`,

        // Vendor entry with third-party libraries
        vendor: `./vendor`,

        // Entry for stylesheet with global application styles
        [mainSheet]: `./app.${platform}.css`,

    const rules = getRules();
    const plugins = getPlugins(platform, env);
    const extensions = getExtensions(platform);

    const config = {
        context: resolve("./app"),
        target: nativescriptTarget,
        output: {
            pathinfo: true,
            libraryTarget: "commonjs2",
            filename: "[name].js",
        resolve: {

            // Resolve {N} system modules from tns-core-modules
            modules: [

            alias: {
                '~': resolve("./app")
        node: {
            // Disable node shims that conflict with NativeScript
            "http": false,
            "timers": false,
            "setImmediate": false,
            "fs": "empty",
        module: { rules },

    if (env.snapshot) {
        plugins.push(new nsWebpack.NativeScriptSnapshotPlugin({
            chunk: "vendor",
            projectRoot: __dirname,
            webpackConfig: config,
            targetArchs: ["arm", "arm64", "ia32"],
            tnsJavaClassesOptions: { packages: ["tns-core-modules" ] },
            useLibs: false

    return config;

function getPlatform(env) {
    return ? "android" :
        env.ios ? "ios" :
        () => { throw new Error("You need to provide a target platform!") };

function getRules() {
    return [
            test: /\.html$|\.xml$/,
            use: [
        // Root stylesheet gets extracted with bundled dependencies
            test: new RegExp(mainSheet),
            use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract([
                    loader: "resolve-url-loader",
                    options: { silent: true },
                    loader: "nativescript-css-loader",
                    options: { minimize: false }
        // Other CSS files get bundled using the raw loader
            test: /\.css$/,
            exclude: new RegExp(mainSheet),
            use: [
        // SASS support
            test: /\.scss$/,
            use: [

        // Compile TypeScript files with ahead-of-time compiler.
            test: /\.ts$/,
            loaders: [


function getPlugins(platform, env) {
    let plugins = [
        new ExtractTextPlugin(mainSheet),

        // Vendor libs go to the vendor.js chunk
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            name: ["vendor"],

        // Define useful constants like TNS_WEBPACK
        new webpack.DefinePlugin({
            "global.TNS_WEBPACK": "true",

        // Copy assets to out dir. Add your own globs as needed.
        new CopyWebpackPlugin([
            { from: `app.${platform}.css`, to: mainSheet },
            { from: "css/**" },
            { from: "fonts/**" },
            { from: "**/*.jpg" },
            { from: "**/*.png" },
            { from: "**/*.xml" },
        ], { ignore: ["App_Resources/**"] }),

        // Generate a bundle starter script and activate it in package.json
        new nsWebpack.GenerateBundleStarterPlugin([

        // Generate report files for bundles content
        new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({
            analyzerMode: "static",
            openAnalyzer: false,
            generateStatsFile: true,
            reportFilename: join(__dirname, "report", `report.html`),
            statsFilename: join(__dirname, "report", `stats.json`),

        // Angular AOT compiler
        new AotPlugin({
            tsConfigPath: "tsconfig.aot.json",
            entryModule: resolve(__dirname, "app/app.module#AppModule"),
            typeChecking: false

        // Resolve .ios.css and .android.css component stylesheets, and .ios.html and .android component views
        new nsWebpack.UrlResolvePlugin({
            platform: platform,
            resolveStylesUrls: true,
            resolveTemplateUrl: true


    if (env.uglify) {
        plugins.push(new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({ minimize: true }));

        // Work around an Android issue by setting compress = false
        const compress = platform !== "android";
        plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
            mangle: {
                except: nsWebpack.uglifyMangleExcludes.concat(imageSwipeMangleExcludes)

    return plugins;

// Resolve platform-specific modules like
function getExtensions(platform) {
    return Object.freeze([
PeterStaev commented 7 years ago

Hey @bumbella , without an error I'm afraid i cannot help you much. You will have to troubleshoot this on you own. You can try a non-aot build and see if that would help. Also you can download the demo app and start putting your code there and see what might be causing the problem.

mortezadalil commented 7 years ago

I have same issue without any errors while building with webpack. I see white box instead swipper after build! could you help me?

PeterStaev commented 6 years ago

@bumbella , @mortezadalil I think I found the problem - you must register the element in BOTH your main.ts and main.aot.ts files. If you have done only one then it will not work either with webpack+aot or normal build. I will update the docs to have this.

PeterStaev commented 6 years ago

No further response so closing this one for now. In case you still have problems, please provide more details.