PeterTh / gedosato

The Generic DownSampling Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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add config flag for off all message to game #217

Closed hitman249 closed 10 years ago

hitman249 commented 10 years ago

Please add a flag that turns off any labels when rendering. Noticed flickering problem permanent inscription "Downsampling ..." at the top of the screen

lakario commented 10 years ago

I am experiencing this issue with FFXIII. When running the game in forced 16:10 with black bars, anything drawn inside or over the black area is never invalidated. The steam overlay, if enabled, and the Gedosato resolution label become a permanent fixture to the window.

The following images demonstrate the issue. Notice how the steam overlay seems to be grayed out around the edges of the screen; that is because I opened the overlay while the game was running. It effectively "burns in" to the black area. Alt-tabbing from the game will clear the steam overlay bits, but the GeDoSaTo overlay persists.

flicker example 1 flicker example 2 flicker example 3

Floflo81 commented 10 years ago

I have a solution for you: in your user config file for FF 13 (create it by clicking on the "U" button if you haven't done so yet), add the following lines:

presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 60

That's if your screen is 1920x1200

If your screen is some other non-16:9 resolution, calculate the 16:9 resolution that fits your screen. For instance: Screen: 1440x900 (16:10) ==> GeDoSaTo presentation resolution: 1440x810 (16:9)

This way, the actual resolution for the display will be 16:9, and nothing will be drawn in the black bars. This can be useful for other games that only work in 16:9 aspect ratios.

If your driver settings are set incorrectly, this could result in the game being stretched vertically instead of being letterboxed. So, check in your graphics card settings and your screen settings that they are set to "Maintain aspect ratio"

lakario commented 10 years ago

@Floflo81 I tried as you suggested, confirming that "maintain aspect ratio" is checked in my AMD graphics settings, but it definitely appears to be vertically stretching the image, rather than letterboxing it.

PeterTh commented 10 years ago

The latest build adds this ("messageSeconds 0").

Floflo81 commented 10 years ago

@lakario Check this out: You should enable "GPU scaling" and "Maintain aspect ratio".

If you already tried that or it just doesn't work, I suggest you use what PeterTh aka Durante suggested. In your user settings file, remove what I told you earlier and put "messageSeconds 0". This will disable the GeDoSaTo messages.

You will still have stuff in the black bars if you use the Steam overlay interface though.