PeterWang512 / FALdetector

Code for the paper: Detecting Photoshopped Faces by Scripting Photoshop
Apache License 2.0
1.57k stars 233 forks source link

Issue Downloading the weights: 'ERROR cannot verify's certificate...' #19

Open seanpili opened 4 years ago

seanpili commented 4 years ago

When I type the bash weights/
from git on windows 10 while inside the FALdetector folder as the current directory , I see the following error:

Connecting to||:443... connected. ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA': Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority. To connect to insecurely, use--no-check-certificate'. Unable to establish SSL connection.

Is there something easy I'm missing here?

seanpili commented 4 years ago

Edit: This might be related, but although the files 'global.pth' and 'local.pth' downloaded, they are both 0B, which is why I believe Barnonewdm was receiving the error he mentions in his issue for this repository.

Have the weight files changed location or been corrupted?

PeterWang512 commented 4 years ago

It seems like it might be a windows-related issue. I tried running the script under windows but it didn't work, while unix machines still worked. Maybe in this case you can try downloading the weights directly? Here are the links: global.pth: local.pth: