So I am able to query the market data API without issue using the example code you provided, but when I try to place a paper trade buy order I get the following error:
at net.jacobpeterson.alpaca.openapi.trader.ApiClient.handleResponse(
at net.jacobpeterson.alpaca.openapi.trader.ApiClient.execute(
at net.jacobpeterson.alpaca.openapi.trader.api.OrdersApi.postOrderWithHttpInfo(
at net.jacobpeterson.alpaca.openapi.trader.api.OrdersApi.postOrder(
at tests.Tests.testAlpacaBuyOrder(
I have tried it in different classes, but nothing seems to work. I'm using the format you gave in the README as follows:
final Order openingOrder = a.getAlpacaAPI().trader().orders()
.postOrder(new PostOrderRequest()
And since I'm able to query the market data API successfully, I don't believe there is any auth issue on my end since the AlpacaAPI object uses the same API key and secret for both.
So I am able to query the market data API without issue using the example code you provided, but when I try to place a paper trade buy order I get the following error:
net.jacobpeterson.alpaca.openapi.trader.ApiException: Message: Unauthorized HTTP response code: 401 HTTP response body: {"code":40110000,"message":"request is not authorized"} HTTP response headers: {access-control-allow-credentials=[true], access-control-allow-headers=[Apca-Api-Key-Id, Apca-Api-Secret-Key, Authorization, Content-Type], access-control-allow-methods=[GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, POST, PATCH], access-control-allow-origin=[*], access-control-max-age=[1728000], connection=[keep-alive], content-length=[55], content-type=[application/json; charset=UTF-8], date=[Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:11:49 GMT], strict-transport-security=[max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains], vary=[Origin], x-request-id=[8fe0e1ccf75ec4f0c42a613868e1ab5a]}
I have tried it in different classes, but nothing seems to work. I'm using the format you gave in the README as follows:
final Order openingOrder = a.getAlpacaAPI().trader().orders() .postOrder(new PostOrderRequest() .symbol(symbol) .qty("1") .side(OrderSide.BUY) .type(OrderType.MARKET) .timeInForce(TimeInForce.GTC))
And since I'm able to query the market data API successfully, I don't believe there is any auth issue on my end since the AlpacaAPI object uses the same API key and secret for both.
Any idea what might be the issue?