Petersoj / alpaca-java

A Java API for Alpaca, the commission free, algo friendly, stock trading broker.
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error when using requestNewStopLimitBracketOrder #44

Closed peterboivin closed 4 years ago

peterboivin commented 4 years ago
public Order requestNewStopLimitBracketOrder(String symbol, Integer quantity, OrderSide side,
        OrderTimeInForce timeInForce, Double limitPrice, Double stopPrice, Boolean extendedHours,
        Double takeProfitLimitPrice, Double stopLossStopPrice, Double stopLossLimitPrice)
        throws AlpacaAPIRequestException {
    return requestNewOrder(symbol, quantity, side, OrderType.STOP_LIMIT, timeInForce, limitPrice, stopPrice,
            extendedHours, null, OrderClass.BRACKET, takeProfitLimitPrice, stopLossStopPrice, stopLossLimitPrice);

Order order = alpacaAPI.requestNewStopLimitBracketOrder(symbol, 1, OrderSide.BUY, OrderTimeInForce.DAY, barPlusList.get(1).getC(), barPlusList.get(1).getC() .10, false, barPlusList.get(1).getC() .10, barPlusList.get(0).getL(), barPlusList.get(0).getL()); Alpaca API Request Exception! : Status Code = 422, Status Text = "Unprocessable Entity", API Response Code = 40010001, API Response Message = "bracket orders must be market or limit orders" at io.github.mainstringargs.alpaca.AlpacaAPI.requestNewOrder( at io.github.mainstringargs.alpaca.AlpacaAPI.requestNewStopLimitBracketOrder( at com.boivin.TradingApplication.openStopLimitBracketOrder( at at com.boivin.TradingApplication.lambda$null$0( at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( at com.boivin.TradingApplication.lambda$main$2( at java.util.ArrayList.forEach( at com.boivin.TradingApplication.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at

Petersoj commented 4 years ago

Status Code = 422, Status Text = "Unprocessable Entity", API Response Code = 40010001, API Response Message = "bracket orders must be market or limit orders" Looks like bracket orders can't have an initial order of stop limit or stop types. I'll make a PR to remove those method signatures. Edit: PR requested

mainstringargs commented 4 years ago

Included in release 5.0.6