Petersoj / alpaca-java

A Java API for Alpaca, the commission free, algo friendly, stock trading broker.
MIT License
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live configuration does not seem to be working with version 8.0.1 #98

Closed fear025 closed 2 years ago

fear025 commented 2 years ago

When using the configuration with the parameter: endpoint_api_type=live

The following error message is generated: No such host is known (

I believe this is being caused by line 134 of main/java/net/jacobpeterson/alpaca/ brokerHostSubdomain = "live";

This should probably be: brokerHostSubdomain = "api";

Thank you for all of your effort in this project!

Petersoj commented 2 years ago

Oh whoops! I'll fix that right away. Thank you!

Petersoj commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 8.0.2.