PetervanLunteren / EcoAssist

Simplify camera trap image analysis with ML species recognition models based around the MegaDetector model
MIT License
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How to completely uninstall EcoAssist on a Mac with Apple Silicon? #30

Closed esimioni closed 10 months ago

esimioni commented 10 months ago

A 30 minutes installation probably added a lot of packages/files that are only used by EcoAssist. I would like to uninstall freeing storage space as much as possible. How to do it?

PetervanLunteren commented 10 months ago


All files are located in one folder, called EcoAssist_files. You can uninstall EcoAssist by simply deleting this folder. Please be aware that it's hidden, so you'll probably have to adjust your settings before you can see it (find out how to: macOS, Windows, Linux). If you're planning on updating EcoAssist, there is no need to uninstall it first. It will do that automatically.

Location on Windows
```r # All users ─── πŸ“Program Files └── πŸ“EcoAssist_files # Single user ─── πŸ“Users └── πŸ“ └── πŸ“EcoAssist_files ```
Location on macOS
```r ─── πŸ“Applications └── πŸ“.EcoAssist_files ```
Location on Linux
```r ─── πŸ“home └── πŸ“ └── πŸ“.EcoAssist_files ```