PetitTournesol / Edgeware

Elsavirus inspired fetishware, built from the ground up to use interchangeable packages for better user experience.
MIT License
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Timer Mode #36

Open samurairon opened 1 year ago

samurairon commented 1 year ago

Timer mode is not shutting down after time has passed, nor is safeword working.

samurairon commented 1 year ago

Also when I reopen config, I am unable to deselect timer mode

ILHex commented 1 year ago

Having the same problem

RedstonedLife commented 1 year ago

To anyone wondering, I am working on a rework of this project, I will try appending the changes as its own branch in a pull request, If not I'll just host my own repository of this project. I will of course add some features, fix some that are broken, and strengthen some, for example one of the features does make the program use 100% CPU, and almost 100% RAM which can cause safety shutdowns. I'll add a threshold.

Cheers, RedstonedLife.

LillienF commented 1 year ago

@samurairon Timer mode is supposed to disable panic until the timer runs out. It is also intended to disable you from disabling timer in settings if the time still hasn't finished ticking down. It pretty much forces you to goon atleast X minutes every time you turn your pc on

The panic password is broken for everything except when you use your panic hotkey. So do remember to set that hotkey if you plan on using timer mode

samurairon commented 1 year ago

@LillienF The problem is that I would set a timer on my phone and wait an extra 5 minutes and the panic key still would not work

LillienF commented 1 year ago

@samurairon There is a bug with panic that I'm busy fixing on my branch of edgeware. If you press the panic hotkey "~" then it should work for now.