Closed Mariusthvdb closed 12 months ago
as followup from
using the main source timestamp template for various other template sensors:
- unique_id: next_alarm_timestamp state: > {% macro getalarm(offsetday=0) %} {% set day = (now().weekday() + offsetday) % 7 %} {% set offset = offsetday * 86400 %} {% if day in range(5) %} {% set hour = state_attr('input_datetime.alarmclock_wd','hour') %} {% set minute = state_attr('input_datetime.alarmclock_wd','minute') %} {% else %} {% set hour = state_attr('input_datetime.alarmclock_we','hour') %} {% set minute = state_attr('input_datetime.alarmclock_we','minute') %} {% endif %} {% set alarm = hour|float|multiply(3600) + minute|float|multiply(60) %} {% set time = now().hour * 3600 + now().minute * 60 %} {{(offset - time) + alarm if offsetday else alarm - time}} {% endmacro %} {% set weekday = is_state('input_boolean.alarmclock_wd_enabled','on') %} {% set weekend = is_state('input_boolean.alarmclock_we_enabled','on') %} {% set weekdays = [0,1,2,3,4] %} {% set weekends = [5,6] %} {% set day = now().weekday() %} {% set nextday = day + 1 if day != 6 else 0 %} {% if nextday in weekdays %} {% if weekday %} {% set offsetday = nextday %} {% elif weekend %} {% set offsetday = weekends[0] %} {% else %} {% set offsetday = None %} {% endif %} {% elif nextday in weekends %} {% if weekend %} {% set offsetday = nextday %} {% elif weekday %} {% set offsetday = weekdays[0] %} {% else %} {% set offsetday = None %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set offsetday = None %} {% endif %} {% if offsetday != None %} {% set offset = offsetday-day if offsetday > day else offsetday - day + 7 %} {% if (day in weekdays and weekday) or (day in weekends and weekend) %} {% set today_alarm = getalarm()|float %} {% else %} {% set today_alarm = -1 %} {% endif %} {% set next_alarm = getalarm(offset)|float %} {% set time = now().replace(second=0).replace(microsecond=0) %} {% if today_alarm > 0 %} {{as_timestamp(time) + today_alarm}} {% else %} {{as_timestamp(time) + next_alarm}} {% endif %} {% else %} 0 {% endif %}
and eg datetime sensor:
- unique_id: next_alarm_datetime state: > {% set timestamp = states('sensor.next_alarm_timestamp')|int(default=0) %} {{as_datetime(timestamp)|as_local}} device_class: timestamp availability: > {% set timestamp = states('sensor.next_alarm_timestamp')|int(default=0) %} {{timestamp != 0}}
several the easy_time sensors produce unexpected results:
{% from 'easy_time.jinja' import speak_the_days %} {{speak_the_days('sensor.next_alarm_datetime')}}
returns 'in 1 day', and you've posted it should be 'tomorrow'
{{states('sensor.next_alarm_timestamp')}} returns 1689309000.0
{{states('sensor.next_alarm_datetime')}} returns 2023-07-14 06:30:00+02:00
I also noted that because the main source sensors sets 0 when no alarm is set, the sensors using easy_time throw an error in that case. Hope this suffices for you to check functionality, if not please let me know
as followup from
using the main source timestamp template for various other template sensors:
and eg datetime sensor:
several the easy_time sensors produce unexpected results:
returns 'in 1 day', and you've posted it should be 'tomorrow'
returns 1689309000.0{{states('sensor.next_alarm_datetime')}}
returns 2023-07-14 06:30:00+02:00I also noted that because the main source sensors sets 0 when no alarm is set, the sensors using easy_time throw an error in that case. Hope this suffices for you to check functionality, if not please let me know