According to sch.
in line #74 you have used GPIOA but your Schematic shows GPIOC connected to EINK_VDD and you have not defined GPIOA_EINK_VDD but instead you have defiend GPIOB_EINK_VDD which is not according to Sch. and also same for PORTC pins.. is it your mistake or something . Kindly pls let us know. :)
Yeah, probably my mistake. I changed the schematic a bit from what it
was for my own proto pcb, maybe I forgot to change some pin mappings in
the code.
In file gdisp_lib_board_example.h
According to sch. in line #74 you have used GPIOA but your Schematic shows GPIOC connected to EINK_VDD and you have not defined GPIOA_EINK_VDD but instead you have defiend GPIOB_EINK_VDD which is not according to Sch. and also same for PORTC pins.. is it your mistake or something . Kindly pls let us know. :) Thanks