PetteriAimonen / dso-quad-usb-analyzer

USB Full-Speed (12Mbps) protocol analyzer for the DSO Quad
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Does not work on HW 2.72 #1

Open PetteriAimonen opened 11 years ago

PetteriAimonen commented 11 years ago

   Oh noes: FPGA config byte fifo underflow Caller 0802928b Callers 080291ef 0802928b 08025ba1 08029241 Memory dump saved to memory.dmp.

New 8MB flash is too slow to read. Have to find a workaround.

es4 commented 10 years ago

I get also this message, if I start the "locic capture" sw on the DSO203 with the HW 2.72. Did you find a asolution to this problem?

PetteriAimonen commented 10 years ago

Nope, I have no interest in trying to fix it. Works for my HW, cannot test on others.