Closed WordPress24CZ closed 1 year ago
Please provide more information on your configuration and other plugins used. It's possible that you either don't have the feature enabled in config.yml or you have some chat formatting plugin which prevents it from working.
configVersion: 9
botToken: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
channelId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
debug: false
botStatus: ""
channelTopic: ""
playerListCommand: true
ipCommand: true
serverIp: ""
serverPort: "19132"
discordCommand: true
discordCommandOutput: "Připojte se na náš Discord server přes §e<>§f!"
joinMessages: true
quitMessages: true
deathMessages: true
startMessages: true
stopMessages: true
enableDiscordToMinecraft: true
enableMinecraftToDiscord: true
enableMessagesToConsole: true
commandPrefix: "!"
discordConsole: true
consoleChannelId: "1179024616572850176"
consoleRole: "BedrockLand"
consoleStatusMessages: true
discordToMinecraftChatFormatting: "§2[§3Bedrock§fLand§2 | %role%§2] §3%discordname% §e>> §f%message%"
minecraftToDiscordChatFormatting: "%primarygroup% | %displayname% >> %message%"
maxMessageLength: 255
allowBotMessages: true
spamFilter: true
queueMessages: true
status_server_started: ":white_check_mark: Server spuštěn!" status_server_stopped: ":x: Server zastaven!"
info_player_joined: ":crossed_swords: %player% se připojil k serveru"
info_player_left: ":fire: %player% opustil server" info_player_death: ":skull: %death_message%" command_playerlist_empty: "Žádní hráči online" command_playerlist_players: "Online hráči" commands_ip_address: "IP:" commands_ip_port: "Port:" err_no_perm: "Nemáte oprávnění ke spouštění příkazů konzoly" console_status_server_start: "Server se spouští..." console_status_server_stop: "Server se vypíná..." command_mute_success: "§aDiscord chat ztlumen" command_mute_already_muted: "§cDiscord chat je již ztlumen" command_unmute_success: "§aDiscord chat již není ztlumený" command_unmute_not_muted: "§cDiscord chat není ztlumený" command_generic_no_perm: "§cK použití tohoto příkazu nemáte oprávnění"
Used LuckPerms and LuckChat plugins
LuckChat has a setting called "ChatAsync" which must be disabled. Also change your bot token as people already saw that message.
Chat from Discord to game works fine, but from game to Discord not good. When a player joins or disconnects from the game, it will be posted on discord, but when someone writes messages in the game, they will not be posted to the Discord channel. Please how to fix it?