Pexeus / LTE-Car

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Am I missing something ? #4

Closed pinige closed 1 year ago

pinige commented 1 year ago

In the video it says it will still work on the local network without an LTE dongle - Do I need to do something?

Onboard is a Pi 3B+

Onboard output: Initiating stream Initiating controls Initiating telemetry (then after a while) Cant contact LTE Antenna

Server is a Pi 4B

Server output: receiving video stream from Onboard Pi web page [ip address]:1300 - Status: Offline - start button doesn't do anything

I'm using a PS4 gamepad controller Any help would be very much appreciated. Thankyou.

Pexeus commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry for the late response.

the LTE Antenna Error is no problem. this is just for getting some information from a specific type of LTE antenna. it should work over WLAN without issues.

did you check both the ports and the hosts in the config files?

if this is both correct, i assume the error is from something outside of the code. maybe the Raspberrys cannot reach eachother?

pinige commented 1 year ago

No problem - thanks for your help. I will look further into the Raspberrys ! :-)