Pfhoenix / Starbound-Mass-Effect-Edition

Mass Effect in Starbound
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Codex and Race Questlines #29

Open HerbertV opened 10 years ago

HerbertV commented 10 years ago

Player gets codex and a small amount of pixels for each ME content he discovers. For getting codex entries from interacting with the environment you can use the Citadel Codex Dispenser API:

Planed Codex Entries/Quests:

Please extend the list if you have some ideas.

We also should look into the existing quest/ codex we already have, and make them more Mass Effect-ish if they are not. Especially the first quest of each race, where you have to gather the omni-tool.

G4M5T3R commented 10 years ago

Codex for the Mark I Guns and Armor the first time they are crafted?

Codex for each Tech the first time the blueprints are obtained?

Codex for interacting/entering parts of the ship(s) for the first time?

The ME race codex entries/quests are all open for suggestions btw. They are all mostly rips from wikia sometimes reworded.

Pfhoenix commented 10 years ago

Seeing as how the wikia is just ripped from the source game, I wouldn't be too concerned with that. =)