It took about thirty minutes to put together, because I already have the scripting done to automate most of the process, so I figured I’d go ahead and attach it. I can probably do something similar for “My Kingdom Pfhor a Horse” in about the same amount of time, and the only reason the two “Corporation” levels would take longer is because they have way more lights. (Moving the actual light definitions around is the main thing that I haven’t automated yet.)
Redid this because the script I used messed up the ceiling lights the first time. Fixed that; works fine now. I’ll leave the original version just for completeness’ sake.
HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT I SUCK here’s the correct version, hopefully for real this time
rain gets frozen in place if you save though; this will need to be fixed in a future revision of the script
It took about thirty minutes to put together, because I already have the scripting done to automate most of the process, so I figured I’d go ahead and attach it. I can probably do something similar for “My Kingdom Pfhor a Horse” in about the same amount of time, and the only reason the two “Corporation” levels would take longer is because they have way more lights. (Moving the actual light definitions around is the main thing that I haven’t automated yet.)
Redid this because the script I used messed up the ceiling lights the first time. Fixed that; works fine now. I’ll leave the original version just for completeness’ sake.
HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT I SUCK here’s the correct version, hopefully for real this time
rain gets frozen in place if you save though; this will need to be fixed in a future revision of the script