Add discord usernames and other platforms if you can like: "user:email:pass | (number) hits" or "email:pass | (number) hits | username = (username)" or other good format.
Add Estimated Year in file of hits.
Make hits separated like when I go to "Valid Mails" folder for hits I find Discord file of all combos, make it like when I go to "Valid Mails" make it create new folder by the name of combo like the original MSMC tool in their "results" folder.
Change the name of folder "Valid Mails" to "Hits" because the file does not give valid mails, the folder gives discord, steam... hits
Add option of enable/disable webhook so when I disable it, it will only create file without any errors of webhook because some people do not like to use discord webhook
If you can add text in the cmd when there is hit of discord, steam... like "Valid Mail: email:pass (Discord)"
Make it check if the microsoft account has payment method add in account like this: "email:pass | CC: (card-type) (end-date)" or if it has paypal like this "email:pass | PayPal: (paypal-email)" in a new file call it what you want.
In "custom_checks", "config" file add option of Estimated Year true or false to check the oldest email of the custom check. Example of "custom_checks" file with this option:
Very useful suggestions for your tool:
If you don't understand anything, feel free to ask me.