Ph0enixKM / Amber

💎 Amber the programming language compiled to bash
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Localization string engine #214

Open CymDeveloppement opened 1 week ago

CymDeveloppement commented 1 week ago

as described in this guide : localization is possible with dollar sign before double quotes

cd $var || error $"Can't cd to %s." "$var"
read -p $"Enter the value: " var

maybe amber can add this sign easily.

this may make it possible in the future to generate translation files easily directly with Amber or with integrated function

CymDeveloppement commented 1 week ago

or it can be made explicit with a special sign before the double quotes

Ph0enixKM commented 1 week ago

@CymDeveloppement this is a good question. We could have a special syntax for that local "Hello World" or something similar.

CymDeveloppement commented 1 week ago

@Ph0enixKM i think a explicit keyword like "local" is a good way

b1ek commented 1 week ago

shouldn't this kind of thing be done on a library level?

Ph0enixKM commented 1 week ago

shouldn't this kind of thing be done on a library level?

Good question. Adding blindly new keywords and built-ins will increase the learning curve of this language. This is why it actually would be better as an stdlib function. You're right @b1ek.

b1ek commented 1 week ago

Adding blindly new keywords and built-ins will increase the learning curve of this language

it will just make it an unstructured mess imo

Mte90 commented 1 week ago

Maybe we can start a new repo with libraries in pure Amber and when that function can be imported in the Amber language.

Like for, in this way in Amber we add builtin the most basic stuff and for other exotic they get like a review process and a different usage.

So maybe it's time to create a Github organization for the various repositories?