Ph3nol / WebVMGenerator

A generator service to make your Vagrant + Puppet web Virtual Machines easily.
MIT License
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Ubuntu distributions #11

Open Ph3nol opened 11 years ago

Ph3nol commented 11 years ago

Some problems with Ubuntu distributions can be present. I favorited Debian 6 one (squeeze) for many reasons.

But working on lucid and precise version for now.

In progress...

stephpy commented 11 years ago

+1 you're right :)

Ph3nol commented 11 years ago

Right about bugs or for having favorited Debian 6 ? :smile:

stephpy commented 11 years ago

For debian, imo ubuntu is not made for a webserver role ...

Ph3nol commented 11 years ago

I definitely agree with it, but many Vagrant users like using it with Ubuntu distribs... :/