PhVerkerk / Eulexis_off_line

Ancient Greek lemmatisation tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 5 forks source link

Building for GNU/Linux #3

Open badumont opened 3 years ago

badumont commented 3 years ago


Thank you very much for this software. I just want to inform you that I could build and use it in GNU/Linux. I built it with QtCreator, then in the build directory simply created a ressources/ directory under bin/ and copied the contents of Eulexis_data/ into it. I successfully tested manual lemmatisation, navigating in dictionaries and txt2csv. As it is entirely written with Qt classes, I see no reason why other functionalities should not work.

Maybe you could mention this possibility on the README file, if not on the site of Biblissima? If you are interested, I can try to propose a commit in the next days for the .pro file so as to add GNU/Linux support.

regisrob commented 3 years ago

Hi @badumont, thank you for your message. I've added a mention on Linux compatibility to the README (see pending PR), and to the web page on Biblissima as well (

Do not hesitate to propose a commit with a linux-compatible .pro file. Thanks!

badumont commented 9 months ago

Hi! I just rebuilt Eulexis and found that my own instructions could be rewritten in a more straightforward way. Moreover, I discovered that one doesn't need to use QtCreator — and there is no need to change the .pro file either. The following instructions should work better:

Under GNU/Linux, make sure that you have Qt5 installed. Then open a terminal, cd to the directory of your choice and do:

git clone ''
mkdir Eulexis_build && cd Eulexis_build
qmake ../Eulexis_off_line/ && make
qmake ../Eulexis_off_line/ && make
cp -R ../Eulexis_off_line/Eulexis_data bin/ressources
cp -R ../Eulexis_off_line/Aide_Eulexis bin/Aide

You will end up with the executables Greek_converter and Eulexis in Eulexis_build/bin. You can start the Greek converter and Eulexis directly from them or reference them in desktop files (see the documentation of your distribution).

badumont commented 7 months ago

Just reopening it to make the proposed improvement more visible.