Amb Rank: Senior Ambassador
Discord: infaceAi
Telegram: @infaceAi
PHA Address: 45vo82ABupacJoafLRW8oVWiYyErk9UqZLpfBn8wtE1zcB4M
MK & CC - I promoted PhalaNetwork with its killer features PhatContract on Twitter, Discord and Phala general and local telegram chats.
Also we started 2 Phala local X accounts.
Most of the time I was present in Phala's main telegram chat, answering questions and maintaining a friendly atmosphere.
Seems it is a thing I am good with, I mean Phala telegram where I do explanations of basic stuff about Phala Network and its products. I notice that other guys are good at Discord support or at keeping Discord conversation (that is a good deal too).
This month was similar to the previous one, but Dmitriy and I started a new X local account that showed very good results. So this is why I rated MK as a max, despite X shows moderate stats (tbh it is a bit strange, but again the message tell that “stats could be incorrect”)
Tori started another local X account. And I hope she can fully concentrate on Phala stuff in the upcoming months.
I like what Dmitriy has done so far, I wish him further development as community supporter.
Also we are going to make local tg voice chat in October.
PERSONAL INFO Amb Rank: Senior Ambassador Discord: infaceAi Telegram: @infaceAi Twitter: PHA Address: 45vo82ABupacJoafLRW8oVWiYyErk9UqZLpfBn8wtE1zcB4M
Departments : #CC & #MK Department Score Weight : 50%(40) & 50%(40)
Contributions: MK & CC - I promoted PhalaNetwork with its killer features PhatContract on Twitter, Discord and Phala general and local telegram chats. Also we started 2 Phala local X accounts. Most of the time I was present in Phala's main telegram chat, answering questions and maintaining a friendly atmosphere.
X analytics September 2023 stats:
Twitter analytics and
Phala Ru (local) - Channel link: @phalaworld_ru
X local
SUPPLEMENTARY TASKS #HD (or #CM) Seems it is a thing I am good with, I mean Phala telegram where I do explanations of basic stuff about Phala Network and its products. I notice that other guys are good at Discord support or at keeping Discord conversation (that is a good deal too).
#CC - 3 articles about Phala Network and Phat Contracts translated into Ukrainian.
#ART - I was trying to be creative and add more attraction to the Phala Ambas program (that I am planning to do this month too).
CC : 31/40
MK: 40/40
HD: 10
CC: 10
ART: 10
Overall: 91
This month was similar to the previous one, but Dmitriy and I started a new X local account that showed very good results. So this is why I rated MK as a max, despite X shows moderate stats (tbh it is a bit strange, but again the message tell that “stats could be incorrect”) Tori started another local X account. And I hope she can fully concentrate on Phala stuff in the upcoming months. I like what Dmitriy has done so far, I wish him further development as community supporter. Also we are going to make local tg voice chat in October.