Phalcode / gamevault-backend

Backend for the self-hosted gaming platform for drm-free games
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Detach GameVault from strict coupling to RAWG Database, Implement Agnostic Metadata Approach, Implement IGDB as the new Default #258

Open Alfagun74 opened 4 months ago

Alfagun74 commented 4 months ago

Description: Essential Predecessor Tickets:

Problem: Our system currently relies solely on the RAWG Videogame Database. This limits our flexibility and scalability because we're tightly bound to RAWG's data structure. This makes it difficult to incorporate other metadata sources or adapt to changes in user needs.

Solution: This feature request suggests a complete redesign of how we integrate metadata. Instead of being tied to RAWG, we want to create a more flexible system that can work with various metadata databases. Here's what we plan to do:

  1. Detach from RAWG: We'll rework the code so it doesn't rely directly on RAWG anymore, freeing us from its specific data format.

  2. Create a Flexible Data Model: We'll design a versatile data structure that can handle metadata from different sources like Steam (#252), IGDB, and user-generated data (#161). This means figuring out a common structure that can accommodate all these sources.

  3. Manage Metadata Elements: We'll establish ways to handle important metadata like Tags, Genres, Publishers, Stores, and Platforms within our new data model.

  4. Smooth Migration: We'll create a detailed plan to shift from RAWG's data to our new system seamlessly. This involves moving data over, making sure everything stays intact, and minimizing any disruptions.

  5. API for Database Integration: We'll look into making an API that allows users to add new metadata providers through server plugins (#140). This gives users the power to expand the system with new data sources as they see fit.

Open Questions:

Alfagun74 commented 3 months ago

I can not and do not want to spoil too much, but as mentioned in the recent blog post, there are ongoing partner-contract-negotiations with IGDB/Twitch.

Alfagun74 commented 3 months ago

Update: Their legal team needs approx. ~ 3-4 weeks to prepare the final contract.

We will use this time to plan how we are going to pull off this major change exactly.

Alfagun74 commented 2 months ago

We need to seperate filedata (and in future config #148) from Metadata providers data. For example like:

Game File Entity

id: #
created_at: #
updated_at: #
deleted_at: #
entity_version: #
title: #
version: #
release_date: #
file_path: #
size: #
early_access: #

Game Metadata Entity

id: #Comes from DB
created_at: #Comes from DB
updated_at: #Comes from DB
deleted_at: #Comes from DB
entity_version: #Comes from DB
meta_source: "IGDB"
meta_title: "Cyberpunk 2077"
meta_description: "Cyberpunk 2077 is an bla bla bla..."
meta_release_date: "2020-12-10" 
meta_box_image: One2One Image Relation
meta_background_images: One2Many Image Relation
meta_links: One2Many Link Relation (Urls, Socials etc)
meta_rating: 69
meta_average_playtime: 2000
meta_tags: Many2Many Tags Relation
meta_genres: Many2Many Genres Relation
meta_developers: Many2Many Developers Relation
meta_stores: Many2Many Stores Relation #(JoinTable could include a storelink for a game)
meta_platforms: Many2Many Platforms Relation #(JoinTable could include a release date for a specific platform)

These Meta Objects could come from various sources like "CONFIG", "IGDB", "PLUGIN_VNDB", "IMDB", "USER". Then be ordered via config so the server knows which properties take priority. ["USER", "CONFIG", "IGDB", everything else] would be the default.

It would take first custom entered data of users to fullfill #161.
Then it would take the config file data to fullfill #148
Then it would take any other metadata like IGDBs for example.

Alfagun74 commented 2 months ago

image We're officially partnered with IGDB!

Alfagun74 commented 3 weeks ago

After a lot of thoughts and work on this i have set my goal to the following workflow:

Workflow Overview