Pham-Vincent / Equitable-Water-Solutions

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Login Page #109

Closed Pham-Vincent closed 2 hours ago

Pham-Vincent commented 1 month ago

We need a Login Page so users are able to get their preferred focus on the map.

snowcov commented 1 month ago

Set up OAuth for google authentication. Attempted to implement google authentication - Had issues likely arising from not having a proper domain. Pivoting to implement custom login form for the time being.



snowcov commented 1 month ago


snowcov commented 1 month ago

Created Working Registration page based on CSS from:

Link (after running flask):

Hashes password on input for security. Used Flask implementation to communicate with database and check if username or email from form submission were already in the database, if found, user is redirected to the registration page and nothing is added to database. If successful and username and email are unique, then data will be added to the database and user is redirected to the mapping webpage.

Next Steps: Adding Session Variables Adding Login Adding Settings Page/Options to Registration to Customize user experience

snowcov commented 1 month ago

Reworked hashing for registration and how the registration and login pages interacted.

Reference for code and styling:




Next Steps: Adding Session Variables Adding Settings Page/Options to Registration to Customize user experience

snowcov commented 2 weeks ago

Update: Temporarily Complete

Session Variables set up, with working registration and login. There is not much too do given the lack of information on this part, I will keep the ticket open, but it will not a primary concern at the moment.

Future Points: