Phantom5800 / pmr-tracker

Web based tracker for Paper Mario Randomizer
MIT License
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Add Boo's Portrait as requirement for delivering Franky's letter #54

Closed kevin1055 closed 2 years ago

kevin1055 commented 2 years ago

Turns out some letters have logic requirements before they can be delivered:

Koover x2 (only) requires fuzzies banished Franky (only) requires boo's portrait Red Yoshi requires being saved from the bush, but doesn't depend on the rest of the yoshis all other NPCs (with the possible exception of kolorado who I didn't even attempt to verify) available as soon as you can reach them, including Mayor Corpse

I think the map tracker doesn't need to worry about any other of these cases - for instance the Red Yoshi Kid is actually rescuable as long as you have access to the village (via the whale room).