PhantomTheMeaningOfLie / Guzzle-Humdrum

The Running Popcorns for Attention : Reckon Tighter
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Magnus+Dawn@Unova #430

Open PhantomTheMeaningOfLie opened 4 years ago

PhantomTheMeaningOfLie commented 4 years ago

Magnus(laughing..) : "well i'm told to pack my stuffs up and be prepared for accessories#..,so i understood this will finally be the vulture frontier for getting admitted to The Factory#..,so i go just before the flight is scheduled to leave i come to know that it's going to Southern Commons not Cyllage City sunniest of Kalos#..then the flight lands and i open my system my badge with appointment has come i'm registered for the Naomi Labs,Johto under probation cause my thesis was found to be plagiarized only my hands-on demos were satisfactory obviously#..hence this is a blind contract rule with freelance service meaning i'll be treated as a shuttle cock if i fail i get sued by Naomi Labs first if i pass my colleagues get the credit..practicing of self vs frame unconserved Lantern..shadowing hands-on#..and a too verbose attachment is there that will take some topmost lawyers to break through not explaining..yet,pondering hurry..hands-on#..,so#..i'm tied down with no cancellation clause for 6 years total with Naomi Labs in similar vein#..and my doctoral degree is deemed as Probationer Magnus Glenol alias Probe was so to have coined the term hands-on the day i said i'm on probation haven't passed was going to prayer each day for 15 years by then anyway..emotional i after all these get out of airport only to find that i've failed with some very serious commitments with that exact airport authority pokemons hence is interrogated#..then after they relieve me i'm told to catch next flight back to Unova without taking any food obviously as i was told i was paid for to buy food inside the flight not out of it breaching which clause will throw me into my previous allegations again cause i have to speak..mentality hands-on#..anyway#..then i catch the return flight to Unova and reach then de-board the flight go pass the crowd suddenly find Ms Dawn Berlitz whom i spoke to many times never real,face or voice time though#..but ofcourse all knows her so i say,um..hallow Dawn,now imagine all knows her all knows me and everything surrounding us#..,now to this,the reply is i'm kicked on spot(all un..long,..Brock&Goran&Goy..Lady Dawn Groudon,all un..long,Dawn too un..long) and the wording is,you namecall so you're the one whose stalking me huh who wrote this card written,just as i say hallow aww it's hi/oh my dear just as i say your name is it welcome or bye#..Dawn..Colony look-only-at you just caught the nil,all un..long,#,so#..,i was obviously crowded and Dawnny can't walk off either because it's double edge just as the real and dual onoy in optional direction of dragon rage..countering#..Colony Monogram,#,so#,we both are conjoined by designed fate from there itself till the crowd abates#,no u come out again Dawnny tries to kick me so i sidestep then she tries to slap me and i hold her up when she spits at me#..Lady Dawn Groudon,#,now this makes another scene and again the crowd is there but by then they got the opposite of what they got inside hence now Dawnny is crowded this is annotations by design.. countering,#..Dawn..Look-only-At you now got the mean/look-only-at thus just tge the scene,#,..Palkian Chain,#,so#..then this again mitigates and we come out now Dawnny tries to tread on my foot#..Lady Dawn Groudon,#,so now i was angry and said hey stop this ok,now she bursts out in profuse name-calling now the crowd is puzzled cause it was a night flight now it's 3 in the night and the namecalling is about regressive infusion vs metabolic ingestion#..Lady Dawn Groudon,#,so now they eventually ends up leaving us alone with a blank mind cause this goes on for like quarter of an hour..which means what they thought is true including themselves that is their emotions included thus now they felt indifferent to them thus became indifferent to them to as they saw rhe meaning of intended..countering they just looked-only-at the thinking thought/but for us look-only-at did we try to jot#..Dawn..Palkian Life..Hands-On,#,man it was so true#,anyway then eventually i was irritated enough so shouted now Dawnny was even more angry so now i understood suddenly that my behaviour demonstrates bro vs beau distinction methods.. look-only-at you now are the we/look-only-at who thee now we#..Colony Monogram,#,so now i calmed down and said but you're the one who as much assisting your suspicion as well now i'm slapped,you namecall that's Goy's trick to make me confess to you the me of feelings thus i involved see : the contrive of dealings take that you namecall#..Lady Dawn Groudon,#,so i said listen this is how Imi and Andam alias I and Am themselves behave ok#,..The Conserved ones,#,so#,then ofcourse Dawnny continues to namecall me but now is out of breath i forcefully made her sit down and listen to me via her brats yeah Miku and Sprittie#..has to be the two were all along there why the public still didn't involve the Police#,..they weren't listening to her now i calm her down and all then finally she says she was told of her beau i was told what i was told what a sight it was the first physical one for us that too at Unova(un.. with Dawn,all burst..,Goy..The Inferred Ones,#)..anyway finally 3.5 years later me and Dawnny after signature was presented in a special ceremony at Johto General Government itself by Dr Oak#..who there itself told each of the gym and cup outcomes for both Gustie and Dawnny and they happened exactly alike for Dawnny it was by rounds cause the end was redundant each pre-primary school thus pre-students knew(all un..long) a term i had to be familiar with at 1.5#..and it was infact a long celebration putting the onus upon me ofcourse now my other half included both personally and professionally by training contract to my lab later learnt was done only with me in similar vein and this exhortation of my virtues were ofcourse the same games of modal dubiousness in optionals that was played upon my honesty and character simultaneously just to check my detachment though not finally after i managed to come here in full and proper official capacity with everything having been clarified i was 41 and 9 at my very first job full time that is at the very fag end of my deemed physical youth the exact reason Youth : The Perturbation of Stochastic#..

PhantomTheMeaningOfLie commented 4 years ago

Mr Magnus Glenol,41[42,July-25]@Yvester Town@Johto+Mrs Dawn Berlitz Glenol,28[29,March-2]@Sinnoh

18(2)-23(1),Oak Labs(Student_Transfer<->Naomi Labs)@Research 23(1),Fail-1 23(4),Fail-2 23(7),Fail-3 23(10),Fail-4 24(1),Fail-5 24(2),Granted 24(3)-25(9),Kalos(R) 25(10)-26(7),Pasio(R) 26(8)-28(2),Johto(R) 28(3),Fail-6 28(4)-29(5),Sewage@Flexdijon 29(6),Preliminary-1 29(7)-29(8),Hospital 29(9)-29(10),Recovery 29(11),Preliminary-2 30(0)-30(2),Oak Labs 30(3)-30(4),Allegations@Court@Force_Escaping_Summon 30(5)-30(7),Prison 30(8),Bail 30(9),Probation@Negotiations 30(10)-31(7),Ransei(R) 31(8)-33(2),Unova(R) 33(3)-34(9),Hoenn(R) 34(10)-36(4),Kanto(R) 36(5)-37(11),Sinnoh(R) 38(6),{Dr} 38(6)-41(8)@Service@Freelance{Naomi Labs} [41(5),Mrs Dawn Berlitz Glenol] 42(3)-,Oak Labs@Work


33(11)-33(7),Sinnoh Contest(W,Michael Bugpoi){Self@Sponsor} 33(8)-36(4),Sinnoh League(W,Melody) 36(3)-37(3),Sinnoh Contest_Frontier(W) 37(4)-38(4),Sinnoh Frontier(W) 38(5),Hoenn 38(6),Unova 38(7),Johto 38(8),Kanto 39(3)-41(8),Kukui Labs@Ranger 42(3)-,Oak Labs@Ranger