Phantomsmedia / Wavelength

This is the repository for the Wavelength, ArmA 3 mission framework derivative of F3..
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Gear Fuckery After CBA PostInit Eventhandlers #353

Closed derbismarck closed 8 years ago

derbismarck commented 8 years ago

As of right now, something in our modpack or inside A3 itself is running AFTER the postinit CBA eventhandler and resetting certain gear. It only happens on certain classnames of opfor CSAT units (that's all I've had time to test at least). To recreate, use any non-CSAT opfor faction and immediately you will notice that more than half of the base classes in the gear config will have CSAT backpacks and other gear on. My tested hypothesis is that some code is being run by a mod or by A3 itself after the CBA postinit eventhandler which is used to spawn the gear script. I tested this theory by delaying the gear call for five seconds after postinit, and they all geared up as normal. I'm pushing a pull request up that will add a couple seconds delay to the pushing of gear to units until we can figure out what is adding gear on top of our gear scripts after unit initialization. That is all.

Oh, and this may be related to issue #346 as well.

MysticalLatios commented 8 years ago

yes, this sounds very much related to #346

derbismarck commented 8 years ago

This can effectively be closed at this point. Issue is resolved.