Phantomsmedia / Wavelength

This is the repository for the Wavelength, ArmA 3 mission framework derivative of F3..
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Zeus spawned helicopter crashing bug #361

Closed JonBons closed 8 years ago

JonBons commented 8 years ago

bismarck [4:54 AM] Additional zeus spawned helicopter crashing bug information: << This fn_assignGearVehicle.sqf doesn't crash the server on helo spawn << This fn_assignGearVehicle.sqf does crash the server on helo spawn

Something in lines 155 to 177 is causing the helicopter spawning crash.

JonBons commented 8 years ago

Something in this is causing the issue but people say it is random which doesn't make sense as this should run exactly the same per classname (permitting the mods don't change stuff)

// ====================================================================================
// _transportBackpack
    _arr = [_x,":"] call BIS_fnc_splitString;
    _classname = _arr select 0;
    _amt = 1;
    if(count _arr > 1) then
        _amt = parseNumber (_arr select 1);
    _theVehicle addBackpackCargoGlobal [_classname,_amt];
} foreach _transportBackpack;

EDIT: Bismarck: btw the other test I did was running the same function on helicopters that I found always cause the crash normally, (after spawning them in with the fn_assignGearVehicle.sqf completely commented out) Bismarck: and they don't crash the server Bismarck: so instead of letting the CBA event handler run the code I just ran it myself after the bird spawned Bismarck: and for some reason it doesn't crash then JonBons: What classnames? Bismarck: the ones I was testing with were in zeus, BLUFOR > Bundeswehr > Air > Any/All of the tiger helicopters (with crew) Bismarck: they always caused a crash without modifications Bismarck: always as in three times in a row with server restarts in between

JonBons commented 8 years ago

Temporarily fixed by PR.