PhiTux / DailyTxT

Encrypted Diary Web-App
MIT License
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Add image previewing #5

Closed rhld16 closed 2 years ago

rhld16 commented 2 years ago

This feature displays a modal for any image as a preview so you can view the image without downloading it. All other files download as usual.

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

Thanks very much! It's already merged locally. Will be published with a few other updates within the next days :)

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

So your code is successfully merged and I did add/fix two other things. On local development everything is working fine for me. But not within a docker-image. So it will take a few more days probably to fix the problem with docker...

rhld16 commented 2 years ago

Those changes look great! I noticed two things with the Docker build, my current implementation makes passing the PORT variable mandatory as well as an issue with /api calls being redirected to 'localhost:5000'.

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

Yes, I did also notice this thing with 'localhost:5000'...

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

The problems seem to go back until commit 911e134. When I rebuild this commit without using cache (!! -> docker build --no-cache ...) then I get the same errors. So perpaps all the new multistage-builds where just working because we both were building the recent docker-images with using cache!? Just an idea...

rhld16 commented 2 years ago

That would make sense since I'm certain that it's a misconfig with the nginx config files. At least we caught this now rather than later at least xp

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

No, I think it's not nginx, but gunicorn is not running inside the new multistage docker!

rhld16 commented 2 years ago

Oh, that's unexpected... I'll try take a further look into it later

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

:D Same here

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

Okay, perhaps I found the mistake... If that's true, than it was a stupid mistake by me... Let's see

PhiTux commented 2 years ago

Was a missing requirement/dependency for python - my bad Now, everything should be fine :)

rhld16 commented 2 years ago

Ah, nice catch! Can confirm the image works on my instance