Phil-L-101 / Figma2Unreal

Figma2Unreal uses the [Figma API]( and python scripts to take assets created in Figma and create nested UMG widgets suitable for making more advanced prototypes.
MIT License
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Import issue (and why do you need to reload figmaApi)? #3

Closed PseudoMon closed 1 year ago

PseudoMon commented 1 year ago

Hi! First of all, thank you for making this plugin! I'm surprised it isn't very popular. Figma documents can be translated surprisingly well to UMG widgets.

I'm wondering why you need to run reload(fimgaApi) at the beginning?

from importlib import *

It seems the plugin works fine without them?

The plugin has been working well for me, but a colleague of mine tried it out and he kept getting ModuleNotFoundError on line 1 of I'm troubleshooting and now I'm curious if it's related to why you put reload up there.

PseudoMon commented 1 year ago

Nevermind I figured it out. It's so when you make some edits to figmaApi, you won't have to restart Unreal to have the changes applied. Learned this the hard way when I tried splitting the file haha.

As for the import issue, it's because they don't have the plugin enabled in Edit->Plugins, for some reason. No issue otherwise.