Describe Your Problem:
I have tried to change the mapping of Home & Night. Now it got messed up. How can I easily change the mapping of Home and off state
So what I want to achieve is the following mapping
Set Home => Lupus Home1 : nok/sets to disarm
Set Arm => Lupus Arm ok
Set disarm => Lupus disarm : ok
Set night => Lupus Home2 : ok after my change
Describe Your Problem: I have tried to change the mapping of Home & Night. Now it got messed up. How can I easily change the mapping of Home and off state
So what I want to achieve is the following mapping Set Home => Lupus Home1 : nok/sets to disarm Set Arm => Lupus Arm ok Set disarm => Lupus disarm : ok Set night => Lupus Home2 : ok after my change