Phil1988 / FreeQIDI

This is a step by step tutorial of how to build an open OS and latest Klipper für QIDI X-3 series printers.
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My Smart 3 came with a X-6 board and none of the armbian-mkspi releases seem to work. #8

Closed AaronMickDee closed 2 days ago

AaronMickDee commented 3 days ago

When I flash any of the releases on the EMMC chip and turn the printer on nothing happens. The board LED's light up, but it never turns the ethernet on. The display has the "abnormally" startup error which is expected.

Are there any updates or known issues? The board MIGHT be a replacement board but my google-fu brings up nothing related to a X-6 board. Does anyone know anything about the origins of the X-6 board?

Phil1988 commented 3 days ago

I think I wrote this in my tutorial, but to make sure: I do have a X-6 board. So it's nothings special or new.

Origin of the board: China, MKS.

Please read the tutorial carefully again and choose the same OS as I did. This will make it reproducible for you. Best of luck and I leave this open for your feedback.

AaronMickDee commented 3 days ago

I followed it to a T. Even did 3 jumping jacks and prayed to the MCU gods. It works with Qidi’s images but not the Armbian-mkspi builds. I tried several of them.

When I turn the machine on the leds closest to the eMMC slot flash quickly like it’s loading, but after a minute it keeps a blue led on and the yellow flashes 2 times a second.

Maybe I’ll just have to find a way to upgrade the armbian build from within qidis older build.

Phil1988 commented 2 days ago

That might be the issue. You need to do 4 jumping jacks followed by a 360° turn while singing "I feel good" ;)

Sorry I have to say it, but chances being high it is you and not the hardware :D Many have followed my guide and I know 3 translated tutorials based on it, that also many followed.

2 things that I can think of being a problem:

  1. Different OS image that might cause some issues. Pls make sure to use the "Armbian-unofficial_24.2.0-trunk_Mkspi_bookworm_edge_6.6.7.img.xz" as that's the one I can guarantee it works.
  2. Is your router/DNS server open on providing ip addresses?

I don't know the LED codes and I can not check my machine as I'm not on my home continent, but I believe the steady blue LED is normal operation and also a yellow LED flashes sometimes.

Booting needs about 30s. So if the blue LED etc. comes up roughly at this time, I would assume everything is right, but you don't have access to the printer caused by network issues. Please check that and to the "I feel good" ritual in the first place ;)

AaronMickDee commented 2 days ago

Damnit I knew I forgot the 360 and singing.

I don't know. I'm all out of ideas for this.

Armbian-unofficial_24.2.0-trunk_Mkspi_bookworm_edge_6.6.7.img.xz is the exact filename. I've re-downloaded it several times.

As I'm typing this, I swapped ports on my switch. And wouldn't you know: On the official firmware it pulled an IP. Apparently I have a bad port.

I'm re-flashing the eMMC with the unofficial armbian right now. I'll report back. :)

AaronMickDee commented 2 days ago

Yup, it definitely was the 360 singing bit I missed. That and a bad port on my switch. Issues resolved! Glad I only stayed up until 6am trying different builds. Thanks!

Phil1988 commented 2 days ago

I'm glad we could solve it :) Enjoy your free printer and stay tuned for the display firmware I'm building ;)