PhilanthropyDataCommons / service

A project for collecting and serving public information associated with grant applications
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

Fix CodeCov #936

Closed slifty closed 5 months ago

slifty commented 5 months ago

Codecov stopped doing coverage analysis with our CI:

[2024-04-19T15:20:13.555Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /home/runner/work/service/service
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.556Z] ['info'] -> No token specified or token is empty
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.565Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.623Z] ['info'] Warning: Some files located via search were excluded from upload.
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.623Z] ['info'] If Codecov did not locate your files, please review
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.623Z] ['info'] => Found 3 possible coverage files:
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.623Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/service/service/coverage/clover.xml...
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.625Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/service/service/coverage/coverage-final.json...
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.626Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/service/service/coverage/
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.634Z] ['info'] Detected GitHub Actions as the CI provider.
[2024-04-19T15:20:13.866Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=932-authentication-to-proposal-get&build=8755876757&
[2024-04-19T15:20:14.069Z] ['error'] There was an error running the uploader: Error uploading to []( Error: There was an error fetching the storage URL during POST: 404 - {'detail': ErrorDetail(string='Unable to locate build via Github Actions API. Please upload with the Codecov repository upload token to resolve issue.', code='not_found')}
[2024-04-19T15:20:14.069Z] ['info'] Codecov will exit with status code 0. If you are expecting a non-zero exit code, please pass in the `-Z` flag