Philantrop / calibre-marvin-manager

A calibre User Interface Action plugin supporting Marvin
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Changed Metadata ignored if adding books from Marvin to Calibre #17

Closed At-Libitum closed 10 years ago

At-Libitum commented 10 years ago

Marvin 2.0 iPad2 Calibre 1.3 Marvin XD 1.0.4 iOS reader applications 1.1.1 Windows 7, 64-bit iTunes

If you need trial material, I downloaded 4 books comprising the Oolite Sage, by Drew Wagar, from feedbooks, plus 4 other books by same author from same source to test this out with. The 4 books on the saga have the series name in the title. It is this information I removed from the title and added to the series field in Marvin, plus changing the Author Sort to Calibre style (Ln, Fn)

When importing these books from Marvin to Calibre via the Marvin XD dialog (Marvin XD Button dropdown -> Explore Marvin Library -> context menu -> Add to Calibre library), it seems that metadata contained in the book takes precedence over metadata changed in Marvin. Information such as Title, Author Sort, Tags (Subjects), Word count, etc is taken from the metadata from the book and any in Marvin updated or changed metadata fields and already added annotations, are ignored.

This has the following side effects.

  1. After adding the books from Marvin to Calibre, the colum in Calibre indicating if a book is present on the connected device, only shows a green checkmark for every book of which I DID NOT edit the metadata in Marvin before adding it to Calibre. For all other books of which the metadata was changed prior to importing into Calibre, (e.g. Adding author sort the Calibre way, changing the title to remove the already present series information and adding this info into the series field), the indicator remains blank, indicating the book is not present in Marvin (even though I just imported them from there).
  2. The books for which the changed metadata did not get imported, the Marvin XD Library view also only shows me the metadata in Marvin when viewing via the dialog instead of the side-by-side view when the book is recognized as being present in Marvin.

So this is a two phase issue. Changing the metadata prior to importing the books from Marvin to Calibre does not retrieve the changed metadata from Marvin but the original data from the book, this then causes Calibre to not detect the book is present in Marvin when Marvin reconnects, it also prevents any and all updates to metadata in Calibre by Marvin XD with data from Marvin.

Only after manually bringing the information in Calibre back in sync with the changed metadata as it exists in Marvin, is the plugin able to successfully update/refresh progress, last-read, annotations and word count.

But this still leaves the issue that it is not able to do so when the metadata is changed in Marvin before the book is added. Similarly, if the (title/author/Series) metadata in Marvin is changed again, Marvin XD is again no longer able to do anything with that book as far as updating Calibre information is concerned.

GRiker commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the detailed description of the issue, it was very helpful. I've posted an updated version (1.0.6) that should resolve this issue.