Philantrop / calibre-marvin-manager

A calibre User Interface Action plugin supporting Marvin
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IndexError: list assignment index out of range #27

Closed WyndhamMisio closed 10 years ago

WyndhamMisio commented 10 years ago

Installed the latest production version of MXD, restarted Calibre.

Connected iPhone and Marvin and ran MXD.

Saw about 6 books which were showing two copies in Marvin (orange background), so selected all 6 and deleted from Marvin, to get this error message.

calibre, version 1.14.0 ERROR: Unhandled exception: IndexError:list assignment index out of range

calibre 1.14 [64bit] isfrozen: True is64bit: True Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '7', '6.1.7601') Python 2.7.5 Windows: ('7', '6.1.7601', 'SP1', 'Multiprocessor Free') Traceback (most recent call last): File "calibre_plugins.marvin_manager.book_status", line 3302, in _delete_books IndexError: list assignment index out of range

Note that the books appear to have been removed as they no longer show in the MXD window. This means that I am unable to re-run the job and produce a debug.

WyndhamMisio commented 10 years ago

Disconnected and closed Calibre, and restarted and re-connected.

The books just deleted now show not on device. I had assumed, perhaps rashly, that when I deleted from Marvin from the MXD window, that only one of each of the duplicated books would be deleted and not both. If this is deliberate, then perhaps the popup should state 'remove both copies' or something.

WyndhamMisio commented 10 years ago

After seeing that the books were now missing from Marvin, I added them.

Then I ran MXD, and this reports these books as having duplicates.

screenshot 1041

I checked Marvin on the iPhone and these books are not duplicated.

Debug.txt too big, so will email separately.

GRiker commented 10 years ago

I believe this error only occurs if the calibre Device window is active when launching MXD instead of the Library window.

GRiker commented 10 years ago

Fix available in the latest development build 1.1.1002.

WyndhamMisio commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately the problem remains.

I installed (today) the updated MXD and ran it twice just to make sure.

screenshot 1046

calibre 1.14 [64bit] isfrozen: True is64bit: True Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '7', '6.1.7601') Python 2.7.5 Windows: ('7', '6.1.7601', 'SP1', 'Multiprocessor Free') Starting up... DEBUG: 0.0 MarvinManagerAction:genesis(v1.1.1002) DEBUG: 0.0 MarvinManagerAction:init_options() DEBUG: 0.0 AnnotationsDB:connect(db_version: 1) DEBUG: 0.0 MarvinManagerAction:inflate_dialog_resources() DEBUG: 0.1 MarvinManagerAction:compile_ui() DEBUG: 2.5 MarvinManagerAction:rebuild_menus() DEBUG: 2.5 Marvin not connected Started up in 5.48 seconds with 1910 books DEBUG: 4.2 MarvinManagerAction:on_device_connection_changed(iOS reader applications) DEBUG: 4.2 mounting com.appstafarian.MarvinIP DEBUG: 5.4 MarvinManagerAction:on_device_connection_changed(iPhone5,2 running iOS 7.0.4) DEBUG: 5.4 has_password: False DEBUG: 5.4 MarvinManagerAction:rebuild_menus() DEBUG: 5.4 Marvin connected Job: 1 Get device information started DeviceJob: 1 Get device information done, calling callback DeviceJob: 1 Get device information callback returned Job: 2 Get list of books on device started Job: 1 Get device information finished No details available. DEBUG: 25.9 libiMobileDevice:_afc_get_file_info( ERROR: Object not found (8) path:u'/Library/Caches/com.appstafarian.marvin.covers/db4c418db930d7fbe3fac78ec58c0c4c.jpg') DEBUG: 26.1 libiMobileDevice:_afc_get_file_info( ERROR: Object not found (8) path:u'/Library/Caches/com.appstafarian.marvin.covers/8dd064580fa5e6f7d8a5727c26eab537.jpg') DEBUG: 26.5 libiMobileDevice:_afc_get_file_info( ERROR: Object not found (8) path:u'/Library/Caches/com.appstafarian.marvin.covers/ae7d1314d0b2c905ddc352497f06d3e1.jpg') DEBUG: 36.2 libiMobileDevice:_afc_get_file_info( ERROR: Object not found (8) path:u'/Library/Caches/com.appstafarian.marvin.covers/eaa8a7bb197abc75e618d625186c2af1.jpg') DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device done, calling callback DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device callback returned Job: 2 Get list of books on device finished No details available. DEBUG: 129.5 MarvinManagerAction:main_menu_button_clicked() DEBUG: 129.5 MarvinManagerAction:show_installed_books() DEBUG: 129.5 MarvinManagerAction:launch_library_scanner(updating library index for virtual library u'') DEBUG: 129.5 MarvinManagerAction:start_library_indexing() DEBUG: 129.5 MarvinManagerAction:_busy_panel_setup() DEBUG: 131.2 MarvinManagerAction:library_index_complete() DEBUG: 131.2 MarvinManagerAction:_busy_panel_teardown() DEBUG: 131.8 BookStatusDialog:initialize() DEBUG: 131.8 BookStatusDialog:_generate_booklist() DEBUG: 132.1 BookStatusDialog:_scan_library_books(1904) DEBUG: 132.6 BookStatusDialog:_get_installed_books() DEBUG: 132.6 BookStatusDialog:_scan_marvin_books(3301 books) DEBUG: 132.6 BookStatusDialog:_localize_hash_cache() DEBUG: 132.7 remote hash cache: v1, 3301 books in cache DEBUG: 132.7 BookStatusDialog:_purge_cached_orphans() DEBUG: 133.4 BookStatusDialog:_update_remote_hash_cache() DEBUG: 142.3 BookStatusDialog:_get_cover_hash(no cover available for Time Bomb) DEBUG: 142.3 BookStatusDialog:_get_cover_hash(no cover available for Private Eyes) DEBUG: 142.3 BookStatusDialog:_get_cover_hash(no cover available for Devil's Waltz) DEBUG: 142.3 BookStatusDialog:_get_cover_hash(no cover available for The Web) DEBUG: 142.3 BookStatusDialog:_get_cover_hash(no cover available for Survival of the Fittest) DEBUG: 142.3 BookStatusDialog:_get_cover_hash(no cover available for Obsession) DEBUG: 149.7 BookStatusDialog:_purge_cover_hash_orphans() DEBUG: 149.8 BookStatusDialog:_busy_panel_setup(Removing obsolete cover hashes) DEBUG: 150.3 BookStatusDialog:_busy_panel_teardown() DEBUG: 150.3 BookStatusDialog:_generate_marvin_hash_map() DEBUG: 150.3 BookStatusDialog:_find_fuzzy_matches() DEBUG: 150.4 BookStatusDialog:_busy_panel_setup(Preparing Marvin library view…) DEBUG: 150.7 BookStatusDialog:_construct_table_data() DEBUG: 154.1 BookStatusDialog:_construct_table_view() DEBUG: 164.9 BookStatusDialog:_update_refresh_button() DEBUG: 164.9 BookStatusDialog:_busy_panel_teardown() DEBUG: 164.9 MarvinManagerAction:show_installed_books(3301 books) DEBUG: 371.2 BookStatusDialog:dispatch_button_click() DEBUG: 371.2 BookStatusDialog:accept() DEBUG: 371.2 BookStatusDialog:_save_column_widths() DEBUG: 374.6 MarvinManagerAction:shutting_down()

GRiker commented 10 years ago

I'm confused.

You say

Unfortunately the problem remains.

The debug log you posted shows no errors.

When you say 'the problem remains', that to me means that the original issue you reported, a crash with this error:

ERROR: Unhandled exception: IndexError:list assignment index out of range

is still occurring when you delete books using MXD. Is that still true?

Or are you reporting a different problem?

WyndhamMisio commented 10 years ago

My apologies for not being clear. You are correct. The crash did not re-occur, so the problem as originally reported is no longer.

What I should have said, and perhaps opened a new issue, is that MXD is reporting duplicate books (more than one) when there is only one copy of each in Marvin - in this case on my iPhone.

I got confused because the screenshot was shown in this issue report. Should I open a new report?

GRiker commented 10 years ago

Yes, please create a new issue with screenshots and a detailed description of the incorrect behavior.


WyndhamMisio commented 10 years ago

Posted new issue