Philantrop / calibre-marvin-manager

A calibre User Interface Action plugin supporting Marvin
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Can't activate calibre plugin, iPad doesn't show cloud... #44

Closed jeff8rob closed 10 years ago

jeff8rob commented 10 years ago

I'm missing something. I have all current versions of claibre, iOS plugin, Marvin XD plugin, Marvin on iPad and iOS7 on the iPad. When installing the Marvin plugin, I am not prompted for a location. The Marvin XD icon appears greyed out on my calibre toolbar. In calibre, when I go to preferences> plugin>marvinXD, the Enable/Disable button claims that disabling the Marvin XD plugin is not allowed, implying that the plugin is enabled. I can get the customization menu. On the iPad, your instructions reference a cloud icon. I see no cloud icon on either home or library screens. img_0234 img_0235 Finally, when I connect the iPad to the Mac, even when Marvin is open on the iPad, the greyed out Marvin XD icon dropdown indicates that Marvin is not connected. I really want to make this work, so hopefully you can help me.

GRiker commented 10 years ago

Touch Get books in the lower right corner, which pops up an overlay with a series of choices. Touch calibre to start the calibre connector.

Where did you read the instructions referencing the cloud icon? That refers to an older version of Marvin.

Please close this ticket after confirming that works for you.

jeff8rob commented 10 years ago

Here are the instructions: direct link from the about menu item on the Marvin XD dropdown in Calibre:

The missing piece of information from the setup instructions are:

  1. Enable content server in calibre welcome wizard.
  2. disable WifiSync and connect device with USB cable.

Once I did these, it worked.



On Apr 6, 2014, at 2:15 AM, GRiker wrote:

Touch Get books in the lower right corner, which pops up an overlay with a series of choices. Touch calibre to start the calibre connector.

Where did you read the instructions referencing the cloud icon? That refers to an older version of Marvin.

Please close this ticket after confirming that works for you.

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