Closed MartyTX closed 10 years ago
With Marvin connected and running the calibre connector, please open the MXD configuration dialog by clicking the down arrow next to the blue MXD icon, then selecting Customize plugin.
In the Debug options section, Enable debug logging for Marvin XD should be checked. The other debug checkbox should be unchecked.
Click OK, then exit calibre.
Follow the directions in Issue #1 to create a debug log from a terminal window.
When starting calibre in debug mode, let initialization complete, then click the MXD button. After the MXD window is displayed, close the MXD window and exit calibre. Post the contents of the debug log into a new comment in this issue.
Debug log text:
calibre 1.30 isfrozen: True is64bit: False
Windows-Vista-6.0.6002-SP2 Windows ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', 'Vista', '6.0.6002')
Python 2.7.5
Windows: ('Vista', '6.0.6002', 'SP2', 'Multiprocessor Free')
DEBUG: 0.0 iOSReaderApp:initialize(v1.3.9)
DEBUG: 0.0 iOSReaderApp:compile_ui()
DEBUG: 0.1 iOSReaderApp:_init_prefs(prefs created under v1.3.8)
DEBUG: 0.1 debug_libimobiledevice: False
DEBUG: 0.1 debug_plugin: True
DEBUG: 0.1 development_mode: False
DEBUG: 0.1 device_booklist_cache_limit: 10
DEBUG: 0.1 device_booklist_caching: True
DEBUG: 0.1 kindle_enabled_formats: [u'MOBI']
DEBUG: 0.1 kindle_supported_formats: [u'MOBI']
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_edit_collections_cb: False
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_protect_rb: True
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_replace_rb: False
DEBUG: 0.1 marvin_update_rb: False
DEBUG: 0.1 plugin_diagnostics: True
DEBUG: 0.1 preferred_reader_app: u'Marvin'
DEBUG: 0.1 iOSReaderApp:_get_connected_device_info()
DEBUG: 4.4 mounting 'com.appstafarian.MarvinIP'
DEBUG: 5.7 iOSReaderApp:_class_reconfigure('Marvin')
DEBUG: 5.7 iOSReaderApp:_load_reader_app_overlays('Marvin')
DEBUG: 5.7 loading 58 overlays
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_compare_mainDb_profiles()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_cover_subpath()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_cover_to_thumb()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_create_cover_element()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_create_empty_booklist_db()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_create_new_book()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_dehydrate_booklist()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_establish_local_booklist_db_path()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_evaluate_original_cover()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_evaluate_replaceable_cover()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_get_field_items()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_get_opf_tree()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_get_opf_xml()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_initialize_overlay()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_localize_booklist_db()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_localize_database_path()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_parse_version()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_parse_xml()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_profile_db()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_rehydrate_booklist()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_remove_existing_copy()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_report_upload_results()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_reset_ios_connection()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_restore_from_snapshot()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_schedule_metadata_update()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_snapshot_booklist()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_stage_command_file()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_update_epub_metadata()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_validate_dehydrated_booklist()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_wait_for_command_completion()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_watchdog_timed_out()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay '_xform_metadata_via_plugboard()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'add_books_to_metadata()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'books()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'can_handle()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'can_handle_windows()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'delete_books()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'eject()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'from_json()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'get_busy_flag()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'get_cc_mapping()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'get_file()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'guess_type()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'is_usb_connected()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'is_usb_connected_windows()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'post_yank_cleanup()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'prepare_addable_books()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'remove_books_from_metadata()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'set_busy_flag()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'set_cc_mapping()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'shutdown()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'sort_key()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'startup()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'sync_booklists()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'thumbnail()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'to_json()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'upload_books()'
DEBUG: 5.7 adding overlay 'xml_to_unicode()'
DEBUG: 5.7 iOSReaderApp:_initialize_overlay(Marvin)
DEBUG: 5.7 existing thumb cache at 'C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\calibre-cache\Marvin\'
DEBUG: 5.7 ~~~~~ switching to Marvin overlay ~~~~~~
Starting up...
DEBUG: 6.7 MarvinManagerAction:genesis(v1.2.2)
DEBUG: 6.7 MarvinManagerAction:init_options()
DEBUG: 6.7 AnnotationsDB:connect(db_version: 1)
DEBUG: 6.7 MarvinManagerAction:inflate_dialog_resources()
DEBUG: 6.7 MarvinManagerAction:compile_ui()
DEBUG: 7.1 iOSReaderApp:startup()
DEBUG: 7.1 Waiting for calibre connector...
DEBUG: 9.4 MarvinManagerAction:rebuild_menus()
DEBUG: 9.4 Marvin not connected
Started up in 3.54 seconds with 1566 books
DEBUG: 21.7 Marvin version: (2, 7, 0)
DEBUG: 22.8 iOSReaderApp:reset()
DEBUG: 22.8 iOSReaderApp:open()
DEBUG: 22.8 Vendor ID (vid):05ac Product ID: (pid):12ab
DEBUG: 22.8 MarvinManagerAction:on_device_connection_changed(iOS reader applications)
DEBUG: 22.8 mounting com.appstafarian.MarvinIP
DEBUG: 24.0 iPad2,5 running iOS 7.1.1
DEBUG: 24.0 has_password: False
DEBUG: 24.0 MarvinManagerAction:rebuild_menus()
DEBUG: 24.0 Marvin connected
DEBUG: 24.0 iOSReaderApp:set_progress_reporter()
Job: 1 Get device information started
DEBUG: 24.0 iOSReaderApp:get_device_information()
DEBUG: 24.0 DeviceClass : iPad
DEBUG: 24.0 DeviceColor : black
DEBUG: 24.0 DeviceName : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (edited by MartyTX)
DEBUG: 24.0 FSBlockSize : 4096
DEBUG: 24.0 FSFreeBytes : 4,639,825,920
DEBUG: 24.0 FSTotalBytes : 14,385,516,544
DEBUG: 24.0 FirmwareVersion : iBoot-1940.10.58
DEBUG: 24.0 HardwareModel : P105AP
DEBUG: 24.0 ModelNumber : MD528
DEBUG: 24.0 PasswordProtected : False
DEBUG: 24.0 ProductType : iPad2,5
DEBUG: 24.0 ProductVersion : 7.1.1
DEBUG: 24.0 SerialNumber : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (edited by MartyTX)
DEBUG: 24.0 TimeIntervalSince1970: 1398892221.69
DEBUG: 24.0 TimeZone : America/Chicago
DEBUG: 24.0 TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC: -18000.0
DEBUG: 24.0 UniqueDeviceID : xxxxxxxxxxx (edited by MartyTX)
DEBUG: 24.0 iOSReaderApp:free_space()
DeviceJob: 1 Get device information done, calling callback
DeviceJob: 1 Get device information callback returned
DEBUG: 24.3 iOSReaderApp:set_progress_reporter()
Job: 2 Get list of books on device started
DEBUG: 24.3 iOSReaderApp:books()
DEBUG: 24.3 iOSReaderApp:_localize_database_path()
Job: 1 Get device information finished
No details available.
DEBUG: 24.3 copying local_db from u'/Library/mainDb.sqlite'
DEBUG: 24.5 iOSReaderApp:_restore_from_snapshot()
DEBUG: 24.5 Analyzing local booklist
DEBUG: 24.6 local booklist.db validated
DEBUG: 25.7 iOSReaderApp:_rehydrate_booklist()
DEBUG: 25.8 iOSReaderApp:_log_metrics(Marvin)
DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device done, calling callback
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: Starting set_books_in_library
DEBUG: 38.2 PluginMetricsLogger:run(logged to 'iOS reader applications')
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library: books to process= 600
DeviceJob: set_books_in_library finished: time= 0.0149998664856
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: updating views
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: syncing
DEBUG: 38.5 iOSReaderApp:settings(format_map for 'Marvin': [u'epub'])
DEBUG: 38.5 iOSReaderApp:settings(format_map for 'Marvin': [u'epub'])
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: refreshing ondevice
DeviceJob: metadata_downloaded: sending metadata_available signal
DeviceJob: 2 Get list of books on device callback returned
Job: 2 Get list of books on device finished
No details available.
DEBUG: 55.7 MarvinManagerAction:main_menu_button_clicked()
DEBUG: 55.7 MarvinManagerAction:show_installed_books()
DEBUG: 55.7 MarvinManagerAction:launch_library_scanner(updating library index for virtual library u'')
DEBUG: 55.7 MarvinManagerAction:start_library_indexing()
DEBUG: 55.7 MarvinManagerAction:_busy_panel_setup()
DEBUG: 56.6 MarvinManagerAction:library_index_complete()
DEBUG: 56.6 MarvinManagerAction:_busy_panel_teardown()
DEBUG: 56.6 MarvinManagerAction:restore_installed_books()
DEBUG: 56.8 restoring self.installed_books from cache
DEBUG: 56.8 MarvinManagerAction:rehydrate_installed_books()
DEBUG: 57.0 BookStatusDialog:initialize()
DEBUG: 57.0 BookStatusDialog:_generate_booklist()
DEBUG: 57.1 BookStatusDialog:_scan_library_books(1566)
DEBUG: 57.5 BookStatusDialog:_get_installed_books()
DEBUG: 57.5 BookStatusDialog:_generate_marvin_hash_map()
DEBUG: 57.5 BookStatusDialog:_find_fuzzy_matches()
DEBUG: 57.5 BookStatusDialog:_busy_panel_setup(Preparing Marvin library view…)
DEBUG: 57.6 BookStatusDialog:_construct_table_data()
DEBUG: 58.2 BookStatusDialog:_construct_table_view()
DEBUG: 58.2 BookStatusDialog:_update_refresh_button()
DEBUG: 58.2 BookStatusDialog:_busy_panel_teardown()
DEBUG: 58.3 BookStatusDialog:_report_calibre_duplicates(apply_markers: True)
DEBUG: 58.3 BookStatusDialog:_report_content_updates(apply_markers: True)
DEBUG: 58.3 MarvinManagerAction:show_installed_books(600 books)
DEBUG: 58.3 MarvinManagerAction:_log_metrics()
DEBUG: 59.3 PluginMetricsLogger:run(logged to 'Marvin XD')
DEBUG: 63.1 BookStatusDialog:dispatch_button_click()
DEBUG: 64.7 BookStatusDialog:dispatch_button_click()
DEBUG: 76.8 BookStatusDialog:dispatch_button_click()
DEBUG: 76.8 BookStatusDialog:accept()
DEBUG: 76.8 BookStatusDialog:_save_column_widths()
DEBUG: 77.1 MarvinManagerAction:snapshot_installed_books()
DEBUG: 77.1 MarvinManagerAction:validate_dehydrated_books()
DEBUG: 77.4 validated: dehydrated matches self.installed
DEBUG: 78.6 MarvinManagerAction:shutting_down()
DEBUG: 78.6 iOSReaderApp:shutdown()
DEBUG: 78.6 iOSReaderApp:eject()
Copy and paste this command into the command window:
calibre-debug -c "from calibre.utils.config import JSONConfig; JSONConfig('plugins/Marvin XD').set('development_mode',True)"
Then run in debug mode again just like before, pasting the contents of the debug log into a new comment.
MartyTX, when you have an opportunity please respond to my latest post in this issue. I need you to run another debug trace. Please leave the issue open until we resolve the problem.
Greg, Sorry but we're out of town for an extended weekend armed only with my iPad. Will run another debug and post it early next week. Have a good weekend.
Absolutely not a problem! I just wanted to make sure you understood the protocol since switching over to GitHub. When you closed the issue, I thought I should clarify. Have a great weekend, ping me when you're available to continue.
Before creating a new debug log, please follow these steps.
I've added another option to the Developer menu, Delete MXD installed books cache.
Update MXD from this link.
After updating, start Marvin and the calibre connector, then start calibre.
From the Developer menu, select Delete MXD installed books cache.
Open the MXD window.
Any difference?
The latest update with "Delete MXD installed books cache" seems to have done the trick! Marvin and calibre metadata are both present after the cache was deleted. Possibly something had gotten scrambled installing the updates (operator error?), and a delete and rebuild was needed.
I noticed an additional fix: The Developer submenu "Connected device profile" had started to display a message about not being able to identify the device, or words to that effect.
Now it provides correct device info. This seems to fit my highly technical "scrambled" diagnosis! All was not quite right ... very possibly caused by me!
Thanks for all your work! Hope you had a good weekend.
Good news, thanks for the update. Please continue to use both plugins as you would normally and let me know of anything unexpected. I will probably have one or two more updates before the official release.
Device/Software information: Marvin version: 2.7 iDevice: iPad Mini WiFi (non-retina) iOS 7.1.1 calibre version: 1.30 Marvin XD version: 1.2.2 iOS Reading Application version: 1.3.9 PC: Windows Vista 32-bit iTunes version:
Steps to create problem: