Philantrop / calibre-marvin-manager

A calibre User Interface Action plugin supporting Marvin
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marvin not showing up in calibre #60

Open margauxie opened 9 years ago

margauxie commented 9 years ago

Did all the required steps of launching caliber and marvin. Marvin does not show up. Removed and Reinstalled ios and marvin plugin, still not working.

When restarting to turn on content server, this message shows up (The wireless device driver had problems starting. It said "attaching port to broadcast socket failed. This is not fatal)


calibre 2.26 [64bit] isfrozen: True is64bit: True Windows-8-6.2.9200 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE') ('Windows', '8', '6.2.9200') Python 2.7.9 Windows: ('8', '6.2.9200', '', 'Multiprocessor Free') Successfully initialized third party plugins: iOS reader applications && Goodreads && Generate Cover && Search The Internet && Manage Series && FictionDB && Quality Check && Goodreads Sync && Marvin XD && Find Duplicates && Barnes & Noble && Modify ePub && && EpubMerge USB devices on system: [u'usb\vid_04f2&pid_b2da&rev_0520', u'usb\vid_0a5c&pid_21e6&rev_0112', u'usb\vid_8087&pid_0024&rev_0000', u'usb\root_hub20&vid8086&pid1e26&rev0004', u'usb\vid_17ef&pid_600e&rev_0100', u'usb\root_hub20&vid8086&pid1e2d&rev0004', u'usb\vid_05ac&pid_12a8&rev_0701', u'usb\vid_147e&pid_2020&rev_0001', u'usb\root_hub30&vid8086&pid1e31&rev0004', u'usb\vid_8087&pid_0024&rev_0000', u'usb\vid_04f2&pid_b2da&rev_0520&mi_00'] Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages\calibre\devices\", line 85, in call DriveError: No removable drives found Drives detected:

No disabled plugins Looking for devices of type: MTP_DEVICE List of WPD PNP ids: [u'\?\usb#vid_05ac&pid_12a8#b0e535895ca313a2003ba670ba979e886893037d#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}'] MTP device: \?\usb#vid_05ac&pid_12a8#b0e535895ca313a2003ba670ba979e886893037d#{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33} {'device_version': u'8.3', 'friendly_name': u'Apple iPhone', 'has_bulk_properties': True, 'has_storage': True, 'manufacturer_name': u'Apple Inc.', 'model_name': u'Apple iPhone', 'protocol': u'MTP: 1.00', 'serial_number': u'F2LNVEUQG5QY', 'storage': [{'capacity': 63407435776L, 'capacity_objects': 0L, 'description': u'Internal Storage', 'filesystem': u'DCF', 'free_objects': 1869L, 'free_space': 2804203520L, 'id': u'sFEEDFACE', 'name': u'Internal Storage', 'rw': True, 'type': u'fixed_ram'}], 'type': 'unknown'} Not a suitable MTP device, ignoring

No suitable MTP devices found

Looking for devices of type: SMART_DEVICE_APP All IP addresses {'{B24ECF67-33FC-4CFC-A95C-F4945F1DCEF9}': [{'addr': ''}], '{01769E80-D345-4071-B1AB-1C05F9F59069}': [{'netmask': '', 'broadcast': '', 'addr': ''}], '{BBED3E08-0B41-11E3-8249-806E6F6E6963}': [{'netmask': '', 'broadcast': '', 'addr': ''}], '{9941A3F7-818F-4B12-8EDE-F27FE4E1BF63}': [{'addr': ''}], '{18484EFA-5F86-4807-933B-5CBB6A9EEBCB}': [{'addr': ''}]} No device is connected

Looking for devices... u'usb\vid_05ac&pid_12a8&rev_0701'

Devices possibly connected: None