PhileCMS / Phile

A flat file CMS with a swappable parser and template engine.
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Feature/fix74 #337

Closed Schlaefer closed 4 years ago

Schlaefer commented 4 years ago

Adds PHP 7.4 compatibility

james2doyle commented 4 years ago

Glad to see someone still using Phile. I don’t have any sites on it anymore unfortunately 😞

Schlaefer commented 4 years ago

@james2doyle Such is OSS. ;-) I still have some properties running on it. Actually I started using it again recently on Raspberry Pi setups.

While node/js/vue/yadayada overrun the web-community, most non-PHP Phile-like solutions feel they reinvent the wheel without much benefit but more complexity. So I'm still in the game. And as long as there's no complete rewrite required I think I'll support Phile just for sentimental reason. It was fun and I learned a lot. :-)

james2doyle commented 4 years ago

Yeah I know what you mean. I switched my blog over to Hugo a while back but I think its actually harder to maintain now because Hugo keeps moving forward and changing things. So in hindsight it probably would have been better in something more stable

Schlaefer commented 4 years ago

@james2doyle Aaah, static page generators. Didn't even like the PHP ones that much back in the days. Never remember the syntax and the local setup is always broken after three full moons. ;)

Happy to see that you're still around. Nice that you chimed in! :+1: